/* globals utils */
/* globals utils */
custom tileLayer for deepzoom
var DeepZoom = function (arg) {
if (!(this instanceof DeepZoom)) {
return new DeepZoom(arg);
geo.tileLayer.call(this, arg);
this._getTile = function (index, source) {
return geo.imageTile({
index: index,
size: {
x: this._options.tileWidth,
y: this._options.tileHeight
queue: this._queue,
url: this._options.url(source || index),
overlap: this._options.tileOverlap,
crossDomain: this._options.crossDomain
DeepZoom.defaults = $.extend({}, geo.tileLayer.defaults);
geo.inherit(DeepZoom, geo.tileLayer);
geo.registerLayer('deepzoom', DeepZoom);
var query = utils.getQuery();
You can specify a different Deep Zoom image via ?url=(url to dzi or xml)
var dzi_url = query.url || 'https://mars.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/deepzoom/images/PIA19818/dzc_output.xml';
var dzi_base = dzi_url.split('.').slice(0, -1).join('.') + '_files';
var dzi_query = dzi_url.indexOf('?') >= 0 ? dzi_url.substr(dzi_url.indexOf('?')) : '';
Read the Deep Zoom image information.
$.get(dzi_url).then(function (dzi_info) {
Parse the Deep Zoom image information to get the tile size, format, and image size. The actual tile images are (TileSize + 2 * Overlap) pixels in width and height.
var tileSize = +$('Image', dzi_info).attr('TileSize'),
tileOverlap = +$('Image', dzi_info).attr('Overlap') || 0,
format = $('Image', dzi_info).attr('Format'),
sizeX = +$('Image>Size', dzi_info).attr('Width'),
sizeY = +$('Image>Size', dzi_info).attr('Height');
get some standard parameters for map and level in pixel-coordinate space
var defaultParams = geo.util.pixelCoordinateParams(
'#map', sizeX, sizeY, tileSize, tileSize);
Create a map object
var map = geo.map(defaultParams.map);
'deepzoom', $.extend({}, defaultParams.layer, {
For testing, we can ask for a specific renderer
renderer: query.renderer ? (query.renderer === 'html' ? null : query.renderer) : undefined,
We ask to use the quad.imageFixedScale feature, since the Deep Zoom server returns partial tiles at the right and bottom edges. If the tile server returned complete tiles that we need to crop, we would ask for the quad.imageCrop feature instead.
features: query.renderer ? undefined : ['quad.imageFixedScale'],
Specify a custom url for tiles. Deep Zoom offsets the level by 8
url: function (index) {
return dzi_base + '/' + (index.level + 8) + '/' + index.x + '_' + index.y + '.' + format + dzi_query;
Specify the tile overlap
tileOverlap: {
x: tileOverlap,
y: tileOverlap