Tutorial - Pixelmap

A pixelmap is a way of representing categorical data. It uses a lossless image where, instead of the pixels representing colors, they represent category indices. This is usually compactly represented as a integer split across the red, green, and blue channels, where the category index is computed as (red value) + (green value * 256) + (blue value * 65536).

As with other features in GeoJS, the image can either be geospatial, in pixel coordinates, or in an arbitrary space. For this tutorial, a map of the United States is used where the categories are the individual states.

First, let's create our map and add a base map and a feature layer that supports a pixelmap feature.

Step 1

Then load some data. In addition to a PNG with an image with the category data, there is a sample JSON file which lists the categories. We load the category data asynchronously, and use promise chain to chain up the following steps.

Step 2

Once the data is loaded, we create the pixelmap feature.

Step 3

We can dynamically change our data based on where the user clicks. When the user left clicks, cycle through three states. A right click clears the state.

Step 4