/* globals utils */
/* globals utils */
Run after the DOM loads
$(function () {
'use strict';
var query = utils.getQuery();
Create a map object
var map = geo.map({
node: '#map',
center: {
x: -125,
y: 36.5
zoom: 4
Add the osm layer with a custom tile url
map.createLayer('osm', {source: 'osm'});
Create a layer to put the features in. We could need point, line, and polygon features, so ask for a layer that supports all of them. Optionally handle a query parameter to try out specific renderers.
var layer = map.createLayer('feature', {
renderer: query.renderer ? (query.renderer === 'html' ? null : query.renderer) : undefined,
features: query.renderer ? undefined : ['point', 'line', 'polygon']
Initialize the json reader.
var reader = geo.createFileReader('geojsonReader', {layer: layer});
At this point we could just attach the reader to the map like this:
This would allow the user to drop a geojson file onto the map to render it. For this demo, we are creating an editable text box that will call the reader.
Initialize a json string in case the ajax load fails.
var data = '{}';
Load a default json to provide an example of a working demo with styled features.
url: 'data.json',
dataType: 'text',
success: function (_data) {
On successful load save the data as a string
data = _data;
complete: function () {
On completion of the ajax request, generate a text editor over the map using CodeMirror.
var text;
var config = {
mode: 'application/json',
matchBrackets: true,
gutters: ['CodeMirror-lint-markers', 'CodeMirror-foldgutter'],
foldGutter: CodeMirror.fold.brace,
lint: CodeMirror.lint.json
text = new CodeMirror(document.body, config);
Here we listen for changes in the text area content.
text.on('changes', function () {
This will return false if the json is invalid.
if (!reader.canRead(text.getValue())) {
The json is valid so we start by clearing all of the current features from the layer.
Now we call the reader to create the features from the string inside the text box.
function (/* features */) {
This callback is called after the features are generated. The feature objects array is given as an argument to this callback for inspection or modification. In this case, we just want to redraw the map with the new features.
Initialize the text box with the default json data.