var map ={
node: '#map',
center: {
x: -157.965,
y: 21.482
zoom: 11
Create a map object with the OpenStreetMaps base layer.
var map ={
node: '#map',
center: {
x: -157.965,
y: 21.482
zoom: 11
Add a faint osm layer
map.createLayer('osm', {opacity: 0.5});
Create a feature layer that supports contours
var isolineLayer = map.createLayer('feature', {
features: ['isoline']
Load the data
$.get('../../data/oahu-dense.json').done(function (data) {
Create an isoline feature
var iso = isolineLayer.createFeature('isoline', {
isoline: {
Specify our grid data
gridWidth: data.gridWidth,
gridHeight: data.gridHeight,
x0: data.x0,
y0: data.y0,
dx: data.dx,
dy: data.dy,
Don’t plot any values less than zero
min: 0,
Create a contour line every 50 meters
spacing: 50,
Make every 4th line heavier and every 4*5 = 20th line heavier yet
levels: [4, 5]
style: {
The data uses -9999 to represent no value; modify it to return null instead.
value: function (d) { return d > -9999 ? d : null; },
level relates to the isoline importance, with 0 being the most common and, using the levels specified, a level of 1 being every fourth, and 2 every twentieth line. Color the lines differently depending on the level
strokeColor: function (v, vi, d) {
return ['grey', 'mediumblue', 'blue'][d.level];
Make some values available in the global context to aid exploration and automated tests.
window.example = {
ready: true,
map: map,
isolineLayer: isolineLayer,
iso: iso