var inherit = require('./inherit');
var object = require('./object');
var util = require('./util');
var Mousetrap = require('mousetrap');
* Map Interactor specification.
* @typedef {object} geo.mapInteractor.spec
* @property {number} [throttle=30] Mouse events are throttled so that an event
* occurs no more often that this number of milliseconds.
* @property {boolean|number} [discreteZoom=false] If `true`, only allow
* discrete (integer) zoom levels and debounce with a 400 ms delay. If a
* positive number, debounce zoom events with the given delay in
* milliseconds.
* @property {geo.actionRecord[]} [actions] The list of available actions. See
* the code for the full default list.
* @property {object} [click] An object specifying if click events should be
* handled.
* @property {boolean} [click.enabled=true] Truthy to enable click events.
* @property {object} [click.buttons] An object with button names (`left`,
* `right`, `middle`), each of which is a boolean which indicates if that
* button triggers a click event.
* @property {number} [click.duration=0] If a positive number, the mouse up
* event must occur within this time in milliseconds of the mouse down
* event for it to be considered a click.
* @property {boolean|number} [click.cancelOnMove=true] If true, don't generate
* click events if the mouse moved at all. If a positive number, the
* distance at which to cancel click events when the mouse moves.
* @property {object} [keyboard] An object describing which keyboard events are
* handled.
* @property {object} [keyboard.actions] An object with different actions that
* are trigger by the keyboard. Each key is the event that is triggered,
* with the values a list of keys that trigger the event. See the code
* for the defaults.
* @property {object} [keyboard.meta] Keyboard events can generate actions of
* different magnitudes. This is an object with keys of `0`, `1`, and
* `2`, corresponding to small, medium, and large actions. Each entry is
* an object with keys of the meta keys that are required to be down or
* up for that scale action to trigger. If the value of the meta key is
* truthy, it must be down. If `false`, it must be up.
* @property {string[]} [keyboard.metakeyMouseEvents] A list of meta keys
* * that, when typed singly, trigger a repeat of the last mousemove or
* actionmove event so that listeners can update metakey information.
* @property {boolean} [keyboard.focusHighlight=true] If truthy, when the map
* gains focus, a highlight style is shown around it. This gives an
* indicator that keyboard events will affect the map, but may not be
* visuallly desirabel.
* @property {boolean} [alwaysTouch=false] If true, add touch support even if
* the browser doesn't apepar to be touch-aware.
* @property {number} [wheelScaleX=1] A scale multiplier for horizontal wheel
* interactions.
* @property {number} [wheelScaleY=1] A scale multiplier for vertical wheel
* interactions.
* @property {number} [zoomScale=1] This affects how far the mouse must be
* dragged to zoom one level. Roughly, the mouse must move `zoomScale` *
* 120 pixels per level.
* @property {number} [rotateWheelScale=0.105] When the mouse wheel is used for
* rotation, this is the number of radians per wheel step.
* @property {number} [zoomrotateMinimumRotation=0.087] The minimum angle of
* rotation in radians before a `geo_action.zoomrotate` action will allow
* rotation. Set to 0 to always include rotation.
* @property {number} [zoomrotateReverseRotation=0.698] The minimum angle of
* rotation (in radians) before the `geo_action.zoomrotate` action will
* reverse the rotation direction. This helps reduce chatter when zooms
* and pans are combined with rotations.
* @property {number} [zoomrotateMinimumZoom=0.05] The minimum zoom factor
* change (increasing or desceasing) before the `geo_action.zoomrotate`
* action will allow zoom. Set to 0 to always include zoom.
* @property {number} [zoomrotateMinimumPan=5] The minimum number of pixels
* before the `geo_action.zoomrotate` action will allow panning. Set to 0
* to always include panning.
* @property {number} [touchPanDelay=50] The touch pan delay prevents a touch
* pan event from immediately following a rotate (including zoom) event.
* No touch pan event is processed within this number of milliseconds of a
* non-pan touch event.
* @property {object} [momentum] Enable momentum when panning and zooming.
* @property {boolean} [momentum.enabled=true] Truthy to allow momentum.
* @property {number} [momentum.maxSpeed=2.5] Maximum animation speed.
* @property {number} [momentum.minSpeed=0.01] Animations stop when they drop
* below this speed.
* @property {number} [momentum.stopTime=250] If the mouse hasn't moved in this
* many milliseconds, don't apply momentum. The movement is a separate
* action from the preceding movement.
* @property {number} [momentum.drag=0.01] Drag coefficient; larger values slow
* down faster.
* @property {string[]} [momentum.actions] A list of actions on which to apply
* momentum. Defaults to pan and zoom.
* @property {object} [spring] Enable spring clamping to screen edges.
* @property {boolean} [spring.enabled=true] Truthy to allow edge spring back.
* @property {number} [spring.springConstant=0.00005] Higher values spring back
* faster.
* @property {object} [zoomAnimation] Enable zoom animation for both discrete
* and continuous zoom.
* @property {boolean} [zoomAnimation.enabled=true] Truthy to allow zoom
* animation.
* @property {number} [zoomAnimation.duration=500] The time it takes for the
* final zoom to be reached.
* @property {function} [zoomAnimation.ease] The easing function for the zoom.
* The default is `(2 - t) * t`.
* The state of the mouse.
* @typedef {object} geo.mouseState
* @property {geo.screenPosition} page Mouse position relative to the page.
* @property {geo.geoPosition} map Mouse position relative to the map.
* @property {geo.geoPosition} geo Mouse position in map interface gcs.
* @property {geo.geoPosition} mapgcs Mouse position in map gcs
* @property {object} buttons Which mouse buttons are down.
* @property {boolean} buttons.left State of the left mouse button.
* @property {boolean} buttons.right State of the right mouse button.
* @property {boolean} buttons.middle State of the middle mouse button.
* @property {object} modifiers Which modifier keys are down.
* @property {boolean} modifiers.alt State of the alt key.
* @property {boolean} modifiers.ctrl State of the ctrl key.
* @property {boolean} modifiers.shift State of the shift key.
* @property {boolean} modifiers.meta State of the meta key.
* @property {number} time Time (epoch ms) the event was captured.
* @property {number} deltaTime Time elapsed (ms) since the last mouse event.
* @property {geo.screenPosition} velocity Mouse speed in pixels/ms.
* The mapInteractor class is responsible for handling raw events from the
* browser and interpreting them as map navigation interactions. This class
* will call the navigation methods on the connected map, which will make
* modifications to the camera directly.
* @class
* @alias geo.mapInteractor
* @extends geo.object
* @param {geo.mapInterator.spec} args Interactor specification object.
* @returns {geo.mapInteractor}
var mapInteractor = function (args) {
'use strict';
if (!(this instanceof mapInteractor)) {
return new mapInteractor(args);
var $ = require('jquery');
var geo_event = require('./event');
var geo_action = require('./action');
var throttle = require('./util').throttle;
var debounce = require('./util').debounce;
var actionMatch = require('./util').actionMatch;
var quadFeature = require('./quadFeature');
var m_options,
m_this = this,
m_nextStateId = 0,
m_selectionLayer = null,
m_paused = false,
// if m_clickMaybe is not false, it contains the x, y, and buttons that
// were present when the mouse down event occurred.
m_clickMaybe = false,
m_callZoom = function () {};
// Helper method to calculate the speed from a velocity
function calcSpeed(v) {
var x = v.x, y = v.y;
return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
// copy the options object with defaults
m_options = $.extend(
throttle: 30,
discreteZoom: false,
/* There should only be one action with any specific combination of event
* and modifiers. When that event and modifiers occur, the specified
* action is triggered. The event and modifiers fields can either be a
* simple string or an object with multiple entries with each entry set
* to true, false, or undefined. If an object, all values that are
* truthy must match, all values that are false must not match, and all
* other values that are falsy are ignored.
* Available actions:
* see geo_action list
* Available events:
* left, right, middle, wheel
* Available modifiers:
* shift, ctrl, alt, meta
* Useful fields:
* action: the name of the action. Multiple events may trigger the same
* action.
* input: the name of the input or an object with input names for keys
* and boolean values that indicates the combination of events that
* trigger this action.
* modifiers: the name of a modifier or an object with modifier names for
* keys and boolean values that indicates the combination of modifiers
* that trigger this action.
* selectionRectangle: truthy if a selection rectangle should be shown
* during the action. This can be the name of an event that will be
* triggered when the selection is complete.
* selectionConstraint: if a function and a selection rectangle is being
* drawn, this is a function that takes (mousexy, originxy, state)
* with the coordinates objects with x, y in display coordinates.
* The function returns a modified x, y for the mouse coordinates, or
* undefined for no change.
* name: a string that can be used to reference this action.
* owner: a string that can be used to reference this action.
actions: [{
action: geo_action.pan,
input: 'left',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: false},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'button pan'
}, {
action: geo_action.zoom,
input: 'right',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: false},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'button zoom'
}, {
action: geo_action.zoom,
input: 'wheel',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: false},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'wheel zoom'
}, {
action: geo_action.rotate,
input: 'left',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: true},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'button rotate'
}, {
action: geo_action.rotate,
input: 'wheel',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: true},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'wheel rotate'
}, {
input: 'left',
modifiers: {shift: true, ctrl: true},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'drag select'
}, {
action: geo_action.zoomselect,
input: 'left',
modifiers: {shift: true, ctrl: false},
selectionRectangle: geo_event.zoomselect,
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'drag zoom'
}, {
action: geo_action.unzoomselect,
input: 'right',
modifiers: {shift: true, ctrl: false},
selectionRectangle: geo_event.unzoomselect,
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'drag unzoom'
}, {
action: geo_action.pan,
input: 'pan',
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'touch pan'
}, {
action: geo_action.zoomrotate,
input: 'rotate',
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'touch zoom and rotate'
}, {
action: geo_action.pan,
input: 'middle',
modifiers: {shift: false, ctrl: false},
owner: 'geo.mapInteractor',
name: 'button pan'
click: {
enabled: true,
buttons: {left: true, right: true, middle: true},
duration: 0,
cancelOnMove: true
keyboard: {
actions: {
/* Specific actions can be disabled by removing them from this object
* or setting an empty list as the key bindings. Additional actions
* can be added to the dictionary, each of which gets a list of key
* bindings. See Mousetrap documentation for special key names. */
'': ['plus', 'shift+plus', 'shift+ctrl+plus', '=', 'shift+=', 'shift+ctrl+='],
'zoom.out': ['-', 'shift+-', 'shift+ctrl+-', '_', 'shift+_', 'shift+ctrl+_'],
'zoom.0': ['1'],
'zoom.3': ['2'],
'zoom.6': ['3'],
'zoom.9': ['4'],
'zoom.12': ['5'],
'zoom.15': ['6'],
'zoom.18': ['7'],
'pan.left': ['left', 'shift+left', 'shift+ctrl+left'],
'pan.right': ['right', 'shift+right', 'shift+ctrl+right'],
'pan.up': ['up', 'shift+up', 'shift+ctrl+up'],
'pan.down': ['down', 'shift+down', 'shift+ctrl+down'],
'rotate.ccw': ['<', 'shift+<', 'shift+ctrl+<', '.', 'shift+.', 'shift+ctrl+.'],
'': ['>', 'shift+>', 'shift+ctrl+>', ',', 'shift+,', 'shift+ctrl+,'],
'rotate.0': ['0']
meta: {
/* the metakeys that are down during a key event determine the
* magnitude of the action, where 0 is the default small action
* (1-pixel pan, small zoom, small rotation), 1 is a middle-sized
* action, and 2 is the largest action. Metakeys that aren't listed
* are ignored. Metakeys include shift, ctrl, alt, and meta (alt is
* either the alt or option key, and meta is either windows or
* command). */
0: {shift: false, ctrl: false},
1: {shift: true, ctrl: true},
2: {shift: true, ctrl: false}
/* This is a list of meta keys that when typed singly trigger a repeat
* of the last mousemove or actionmove event so that listeners can
* update metakey information. */
metakeyMouseEvents: ['shift', 'ctrl', 'shift+ctrl', 'shift+alt', 'shift+meta'],
/* if focusHighlight is truthy, then a class is added to the map such
* that when the map gets focus, it is indicated inside the border of
* the map -- browsers usually show focus on the outside, which isn't
* useful if the map is full window. It might be desirable to change
* this so it is only present if the focus is reached via the keyboard
* (which would probably require detecting keyup events). */
focusHighlight: true
/* Set alwaysTouch to false to only add touch support on devices that
* report touch support. Set to true to add touch support on all
* devices. */
alwaysTouch: false,
wheelScaleX: 1,
wheelScaleY: 1,
zoomScale: 1,
rotateWheelScale: 6 * Math.PI / 180,
/* The minimum angle of rotation (in radians) before the
* geo_action.zoomrotate action will allow rotation. Set to 0 to always
* include rotation. */
zoomrotateMinimumRotation: 5.0 * Math.PI / 180,
/* The minimum angle of rotation (in radians) before the
* geo_action.zoomrotate action will reverse the rotation direction.
* This helps reduce chatter when zooms and pans are combined with
* rotations. */
zoomrotateReverseRotation: 4.0 * Math.PI / 180,
/* The minimum zoom factor change (increasing or decreasing) before the
* geo_action.zoomrotate action will allow zoom. Set to 0 to always
* include zoom. */
zoomrotateMinimumZoom: 0.05,
/* The minimum number of pixels before the geo_action.zoomrotate action
* will allow panning. Set to 0 to always include panning. */
zoomrotateMinimumPan: 5,
/* The touch pan delay prevents a touch pan event from immediately
* following a rotate (including zoom) event. No touch pan event is
* processed within this number of milliseconds of a non-pan touch
* event. */
touchPanDelay: 50,
momentum: {
enabled: true,
maxSpeed: 2.5,
minSpeed: 0.01,
stopTime: 250,
drag: 0.01,
actions: [geo_action.pan, geo_action.zoom]
spring: {
enabled: false,
springConstant: 0.00005
zoomAnimation: {
enabled: true,
duration: 500,
ease: function (t) { return (2 - t) * t; }
args || {}
/* We don't want to merge the original arrays with arrays passed in the args,
* so override that as necessary for actions. */
if (args && args.actions) {
m_options.actions = $.extend(true, [], args.actions);
if (args && args.momentum && args.momentum.actions) {
m_options.momentum.actions = $.extend(true, [], args.momentum.actions);
if (args && args.keyboard && args.keyboard.actions !== undefined) {
m_options.keyboard.actions = $.extend(true, {}, args.keyboard.actions);
// default mouse object
m_mouse = {
page: {x: 0, y: 0}, // mouse position relative to the page
map: {x: 0, y: 0}, // mouse position relative to the map
geo: {x: 0, y: 0}, // mouse position in map interface gcs
mapgcs: {x: 0, y: 0}, // mouse position in map gcs
// mouse button status
buttons: {
left: false,
right: false,
middle: false
// keyboard modifier status
modifiers: {
alt: false,
ctrl: false,
shift: false,
meta: false
// time the event was captured
time: new Date(),
// time elapsed since the last mouse event
deltaTime: 1,
// pixels/ms
velocity: {
x: 0,
y: 0
* The interactor state determines what actions are taken in response to
* core browser events.
* i.e.
* {
* 'action': geo_action.pan, * an ongoing pan event
* 'origin': {...}, * mouse object at the start of the action
* 'delta': {x: *, y: *} // mouse movement since action start
* * not including the current event
* }
* {
* 'action': geo_action.zoom, * an ongoing zoom event
* ...
* }
* {
* 'action': geo_action.rotate, * an ongoing rotate event
* 'origin': {...}, * mouse object at the start of the action
* 'delta': {x: *, y: *} // mouse movement since action start
* * not including the current event
* }
* {
* 'acton':,
* 'origin': {...},
* 'delta': {x: *, y: *}
* }
* {
* 'action': geo_action.momentum,
* 'origin': {...},
* 'handler': function () { }, // called in animation loop
* 'timer': animate loop timer
* }
m_state = {};
* Store queued map navigation commands (due to throttling) here
* {
* kind: 'move' | 'wheel', // what kind of mouse action triggered this
* method: function () {}, // the throttled method
* scroll: {x: ..., y: ...} // accumulated scroll wheel deltas
* }
m_queue = {};
* Process keys that we've captured. Metakeys determine the magnitude of
* the action.
* @param {string} action The basic action to take.
* @param {object} evt The event with metakeys.
* @param {object} keys Keys used to trigger the event. `keys.simulated` is
* true if artificially triggered.
* @fires geo.event.keyaction
this._handleKeys = function (action, evt, keys) {
if (keys && keys.simulated === true) {
evt = keys;
var meta = m_options.keyboard.meta || {0: {}},
map =,
mapSize = map.size(),
actionBase = action, actionValue = '',
value, factor, move = {};
for (value in meta) {
if (meta.hasOwnProperty(value)) {
if ((meta[value].shift === undefined || evt.shiftKey === !!meta[value].shift) &&
(meta[value].ctrl === undefined || evt.ctrlKey === !!meta[value].ctrl) &&
(meta[value].alt === undefined || evt.altKey === !!meta[value].alt) &&
(meta[value].meta === undefined || evt.metaKey === !!meta[value].meta)) {
factor = value;
if (factor === undefined) {
/* metakeys don't match, so don't trigger an event. */
if (action.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
actionBase = action.substr(0, action.indexOf('.'));
actionValue = action.substr(action.indexOf('.') + 1);
switch (actionBase) {
case 'zoom':
switch (actionValue) {
case 'in':
move.zoomDelta = [0.05, 0.25, 1][factor];
case 'out':
move.zoomDelta = -[0.05, 0.25, 1][factor];
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(actionValue))) {
move.zoom = parseFloat(actionValue);
case 'pan':
switch (actionValue) {
case 'down':
move.panY = -Math.max(1, [0, 0.05, 0.5][factor] * mapSize.height);
case 'left':
move.panX = Math.max(1, [0, 0.05, 0.5][factor] * mapSize.width);
case 'right':
move.panX = -Math.max(1, [0, 0.05, 0.5][factor] * mapSize.width);
case 'up':
move.panY = Math.max(1, [0, 0.05, 0.5][factor] * mapSize.height);
case 'rotate':
switch (actionValue) {
case 'ccw':
move.rotationDelta = [1, 5, 90][factor] * Math.PI / 180;
case 'cw':
move.rotationDelta = -[1, 5, 90][factor] * Math.PI / 180;
if (!isNaN(parseFloat(actionValue))) {
move.rotation = parseFloat(actionValue);
map.geoTrigger(geo_event.keyaction, {
move: move,
action: action,
factor: factor,
event: evt
if (move.cancel) {
if (move.zoom !== undefined) {
} else if (move.zoomDelta) {
map.zoom(map.zoom() + move.zoomDelta);
if (move.rotation !== undefined) {
} else if (move.rotationDelta) {
map.rotation(map.rotation() + move.rotationDelta);
if (move.panX || move.panY) {
map.pan({x: move.panX || 0, y: move.panY || 0});
* Check if this browser has touch support.
* Copied from under the MIT
* license.
* @returns {boolean} `true` if there is touch support.
this.hasTouchSupport = function () {
return ('ontouchstart' in window) || // touch events
(window.TouchEvent) ||
(window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch) ||
(navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || navigator.maxTouchPoints) > 1; // pointer events
* Handle touch events.
* @param {object} evt The touch event.
this._handleTouch = function (evt) {
var endIfBound = false;
if (evt.pointerType === 'mouse' && m_touchHandler.touchSupport) {
endIfBound = true;
if (evt.type === 'hammer.input') {
if (m_touchHandler.lastEventType === 'pan' && evt.pointers.length !== 1) {
endIfBound = true;
m_touchHandler.lastEventType = null;
} else {
var evtType = /^(.*)(start|end|move|tap)$/.exec(evt.type);
if (!evtType || evtType.length !== 3) {
endIfBound = true;
if (endIfBound) {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers && m_touchHandler.lastEvent) {
evt.which = evtType[1];
var time = (new Date()).valueOf();
if (evt.which === 'pan' && m_touchHandler.lastEventType !== 'pan' &&
time - m_touchHandler.lastTime < m_options.touchPanDelay) {
m_touchHandler.lastTime = time;
m_touchHandler.lastEventType = evt.which;
m_touchHandler.lastEvent = evt;
/* convert touch events to have page locations */
if (evt.pageX === undefined && !== undefined && !== undefined) {
evt.pageX =;
evt.pageY =;
/* start events should occur *before* the triggering delta. By using the
* mouse handlers, we get all of the action properties we expect (and
* actions can be changed or defined as we see fit). */
if (evtType[2] === 'start') {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {
$(document).on('mousemove.geojs', m_this._handleMouseUpDocument);
/* start and move events both trigger a movement */
if (evtType[2] === 'start' || evtType[2] === 'move') {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {
} else {
if (evtType[2] === 'end' || evtType[2] === 'cancel') {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {
} else {
m_touchHandler.lastEvent = null;
/* tap events are represented as a mouse left button down and up. */
if (evtType[2] === 'tap' && !m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {
evt.which = 1;
m_touchHandler.lastEventType = null;
m_touchHandler.lastEventType = evtType[2];
* Repeat a mousemove or actionmove event with new metakey information.
* @param {event} [evt] A Mousetrap event with the key change.
* @fires geo.event.mousemove
* @fires geo.event.actionmove
this._repeatMouseMoveEvent = function (evt) {
if (!m_mouse || !m_mouse.modifiers) {
const old = {
alt: m_mouse.modifiers.alt,
ctrl: m_mouse.modifiers.ctrl,
meta: m_mouse.modifiers.meta,
shift: m_mouse.modifiers.shift
if (m_mouse.modifiers.alt === old.alt && m_mouse.modifiers.ctrl === old.ctrl && m_mouse.modifiers.meta === old.meta && m_mouse.modifiers.shift === old.shift) {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {, {
state: m_this.state(), mouse: m_this.mouse(), event: evt});
} else {, m_this.mouse());
* Retrigger a mouse movement with the current mouse state.
* @fires geo.event.mousemove
this.retriggerMouseMove = function () {, m_this.mouse());
* Connects events to a map. If the map is not set, then this does nothing.
* @returns {this}
this._connectEvents = function () {
if (! {
return m_this;
// prevent double binding to DOM elements
// store the connected element
$node = $(;
// set methods related to asynchronous event handling
m_this._handleMouseWheel = throttled_wheel();
m_callZoom = debounced_zoom();
// catalog what inputs we are using
var usedInputs = {};
['right', 'pan', 'rotate'].forEach(function (input) {
usedInputs[input] = m_options.actions.some(function (action) {
return action.input[input];
// add event handlers
$node.on('wheel.geojs', m_this._handleMouseWheel);
$node.on('mousemove.geojs', m_this._handleMouseMove);
$node.on('mousedown.geojs', m_this._handleMouseDown);
$node.on('mouseup.geojs', m_this._handleMouseUp);
// Disable dragging images and such
$node.on('dragstart', function () { return false; });
if (usedInputs.right) {
$node.on('contextmenu.geojs', function () { return false; });
// bind keyboard events
if (m_options.keyboard && m_options.keyboard.actions) {
m_keyHandler = Mousetrap($node[0]);
var bound = [];
for (var keyAction in m_options.keyboard.actions) {
if (m_options.keyboard.actions.hasOwnProperty(keyAction)) {
(function (action) {
return function (evt, keys) {
m_this._handleKeys(action, evt, keys);
bound = bound.concat(m_options.keyboard.actions[keyAction]);
if (m_options.keyboard.metakeyMouseEvents) {
m_options.keyboard.metakeyMouseEvents.forEach((meta) => {
m_keyHandler.bind(meta, m_this._repeatMouseMoveEvent, 'keydown');
m_keyHandler.bind(meta, m_this._repeatMouseMoveEvent, 'keyup');
m_boundKeys = bound;
!!(m_boundKeys && m_boundKeys.length && m_options.keyboard.focusHighlight));
// bind touch events
if ((m_this.hasTouchSupport() || m_options.alwaysTouch) &&
(usedInputs.pan || usedInputs.rotate)) {
// webpack expects optional dependencies to be wrapped in a try-catch
var Hammer;
try {
Hammer = require('hammerjs');
if (!Hammer || !Hammer.Manager) {
Hammer = undefined;
} catch (_error) {}
if (Hammer !== undefined) {
var recog = [],
touchEvents = ['hammer.input'];
if (usedInputs.rotate) {
recog.push([Hammer.Rotate, {enable: true}]);
touchEvents = touchEvents.concat(['rotatestart', 'rotateend', 'rotatemove']);
if (usedInputs.pan) {
recog.push([Hammer.Pan, {direction: Hammer.DIRECTION_ALL}]);
touchEvents = touchEvents.concat(['panstart', 'panend', 'panmove']);
/* Always handle tap events. Reject double taps. */
recog.push([Hammer.Tap, {event: 'doubletap', taps: 2}]);
recog.push([Hammer.Tap, {event: 'singletap'}, undefined, ['doubletap']]);
touchEvents = touchEvents.concat(['singletap']);
var hammerParams = {recognizers: recog, preventDefault: true};
m_touchHandler = {
manager: new Hammer.Manager($node[0], hammerParams),
touchSupport: m_this.hasTouchSupport(),
lastTime: 0
touchEvents.forEach(function (touchEvent) {
m_touchHandler.manager.on(touchEvent, m_this._handleTouch);
return m_this;
* Disconnects events to a map. If the map is not set, then this does
* nothing.
* @returns {this}
this._disconnectEvents = function () {
if (m_boundKeys) {
if (m_keyHandler) {
m_boundKeys = null;
m_keyHandler = null;
if (m_touchHandler) {
m_touchHandler = null;
if ($node) {
$node = null;
m_this._handleMouseWheel = function () {};
m_callZoom = function () {};
return m_this;
* Get or set the map for this interactor, adds draw region layer if needed.
* @param {} [val] Either a new map object for `undefined` to return
* the current map object.
* @returns {|this} Either the current map object or the
* mapInteractor class instance.
*/ = function (val) {
if (val !== undefined) { = val;
return m_this;
* Gets/sets the options object for the interactor.
* @param {geo.mapInteractor.spec} opts Options to set.
* @returns {geo.mapInteractor.spec|this}
this.options = function (opts) {
if (opts === undefined) {
return $.extend({}, m_options);
$.extend(m_options, opts);
// reset event handlers for new options
return m_this;
* Stores the current mouse position from an event.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt JQuery event with the mouse position.
this._getMousePosition = function (evt) {
if (evt.pageX === undefined || evt.pageY === undefined) {
var offset = $node.offset(), dt, t;
t = (new Date()).valueOf();
dt = t - m_mouse.time;
m_mouse.time = t;
m_mouse.deltaTime = dt;
m_mouse.velocity = {
x: (evt.pageX - / dt,
y: (evt.pageY - / dt
}; = {
x: evt.pageX,
y: evt.pageY
}; = {
x: evt.pageX - offset.left,
y: evt.pageY -
try {
m_mouse.geo =;
m_mouse.mapgcs =, null);
} catch (e) {
// catch georeferencing problems and move on
m_mouse.geo = m_mouse.mapgcs = null;
* Stores the current mouse button state in the m_mouse object.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that trigger the mouse action.
this._getMouseButton = function (evt) {
if (evt.buttons === undefined && evt.which === undefined) {
for (var prop in m_mouse.buttons) {
if (m_mouse.buttons.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
m_mouse.buttons[prop] = false;
/* If the event buttons are specified, use them in preference to the
* evt.which for determining which buttons are down. buttons is a bitfield
* and therefore can represent more than one button at a time. */
if (evt.buttons !== undefined) {
m_mouse.buttons.left = !!(evt.buttons & 1);
m_mouse.buttons.right = !!(evt.buttons & 2);
m_mouse.buttons.middle = !!(evt.buttons & 4);
} else if (evt.type !== 'mouseup') {
/* If we don't evt.buttons, fall back to which, but not on mouseup. */
switch (evt.which) {
case 1: m_mouse.buttons.left = true; break;
case 2: m_mouse.buttons.middle = true; break;
case 3: m_mouse.buttons.right = true; break;
/* When handling touch events, evt.which can be a string, in which case
* handle a "button" with that name -- a non-integer string will not
* evaluate as being between 1 and 3. */
if (evt.which && !(evt.which >= 1 && evt.which <= 3)) {
m_mouse.buttons[evt.which] = true;
* Stores the current keyboard modifiers from an event in the m_mouse
* object.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt JQuery event with the keyboard modifiers.
this._getMouseModifiers = function (evt) {
m_mouse.modifiers.alt = evt.altKey;
m_mouse.modifiers.ctrl = evt.ctrlKey;
m_mouse.modifiers.meta = evt.metaKey;
m_mouse.modifiers.shift = evt.shiftKey;
* Compute a selection information object.
* @private
* @returns {geo.brushSelection}
this._getSelection = function () {
var origin = m_state.origin,
mouse = m_this.mouse(),
map =,
display = {}, gcs = {};
let mousexy =;
if (m_state.actionRecord && util.isFunction(m_state.actionRecord.selectionConstraint)) {
const constraint = m_state.actionRecord.selectionConstraint(mouse.mapgcs, origin.mapgcs);
mousexy = constraint ? map.gcsToDisplay(constraint.pos, null) : mousexy;
} else if (mouse.modifiers.shift) {
const width = Math.abs((mousexy.x - * (mousexy.y - ** 0.5;
mousexy = {
x: + Math.sign(mousexy.x - * width,
y: + Math.sign(mousexy.y - * width
// Get the display coordinates
display.upperLeft = {
x: Math.min(, mousexy.x),
y: Math.min(, mousexy.y)
display.lowerRight = {
x: Math.max(, mousexy.x),
y: Math.max(, mousexy.y)
display.upperRight = {
x: display.lowerRight.x,
y: display.upperLeft.y
display.lowerLeft = {
x: display.upperLeft.x,
y: display.lowerRight.y
// Get the gcs coordinates
gcs.upperLeft = map.displayToGcs(display.upperLeft, null);
gcs.lowerRight = map.displayToGcs(display.lowerRight, null);
gcs.upperRight = map.displayToGcs(display.upperRight, null);
gcs.lowerLeft = map.displayToGcs(display.lowerLeft, null);[{
ul: gcs.upperLeft,
ur: gcs.upperRight,
ll: gcs.lowerLeft,
lr: gcs.lowerRight
return {
display: display,
gcs: gcs,
mouse: mouse,
origin: $.extend({}, m_state.origin)
* Immediately cancel an ongoing action.
* @param {string?} action The action type, if `null` cancel any action.
* @param {boolean} [keepQueue] If truthy, keep the queue event if an action
* is canceled.
* @returns {boolean} Set if an action was canceled.
this.cancel = function (action, keepQueue) {
var out;
if (!action) {
out = !!m_state.action;
} else {
out = m_state.action === action;
if (out) {
// cancel any queued interaction events
if (!keepQueue) {
m_queue = {};
return out;
* Set the value of whether a click is possible. Cancel any outstanding
* timer for this process.
* @param {false|object} value If `false`, there is no chance of a future
* click. If an object with coordinates and the mouse button state,
* a click is possible if the same button is released nearby.
this._setClickMaybe = function (value) {
m_clickMaybe = value;
if (m_clickMaybeTimeout) {
m_clickMaybeTimeout = null;
* Handle event when a mouse button is pressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
* @fires geo.event.brushstart
* @fires geo.event.actiondown
* @fires geo.event.mousedown
this._handleMouseDown = function (evt) {
var action, actionRecord;
if (m_paused) {
/* In some scenarios, we get both a tap event and then, somewhat later, a
* set of mousedown/mouseup events. Ignore the spurious down/up set if we
* just handled a tap. */
if (m_touchHandler && m_touchHandler.lastEventType === 'tap' &&
(new Date()).valueOf() - m_touchHandler.lastTime < 1000) {
m_this._getMouseModifiers(evt);, m_this.mouse());
if ( &&
(!m_mouse.buttons.left || &&
(!m_mouse.buttons.right || &&
(!m_mouse.buttons.middle || {
buttons: $.extend({}, m_mouse.buttons)
if ( > 0) {
m_clickMaybeTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
m_clickMaybe = false;
m_clickMaybeTimeout = null;
actionRecord = actionMatch(m_mouse.buttons, m_mouse.modifiers,
action = (actionRecord || {}).action;
var map =;
// cancel transitions and momentum on click
map.transitionCancel('_handleMouseDown' + (action ? '.' + action : ''));
m_mouse.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
if (action) {
// cancel any ongoing interaction queue
m_queue = {
kind: 'move'
// store the state object
m_nextStateId += 1;
m_state = {
action: action,
actionRecord: actionRecord,
origin: $.extend(true, {}, m_mouse),
initialZoom: map.zoom(),
initialRotation: map.rotation(),
initialEventRotation: evt.rotation,
stateId: m_nextStateId,
delta: {x: 0, y: 0}
if (actionRecord.selectionRectangle) {
// Make sure the old selection layer is gone.
if (m_selectionLayer) {
m_selectionLayer = null;
m_selectionLayer = map.createLayer(
'feature', {features: [quadFeature.capabilities.color], autoshareRenderer: false});
m_selectionQuad = m_selectionLayer.createFeature(
'quad', {gcs: map.gcs()});{
opacity: 0.25,
color: {r: 0.3, g: 0.3, b: 0.3}
map.geoTrigger(geo_event.brushstart, m_this._getSelection());
map.geoTrigger(geo_event.actiondown, {
state: m_this.state(), mouse: m_this.mouse(), event: evt});
// bind temporary handlers to document
if (m_options.throttle > 0) {
} else {
$(document).on('mousemove.geojs', m_this._handleMouseMoveDocument);
$(document).on('mouseup.geojs', m_this._handleMouseUpDocument);
m_state.boundDocumentHandlers = true;
* Handle mouse move event.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
* @fires geo.event.mousemove
this._handleMouseMove = function (evt) {
if (m_paused) {
if (m_state.boundDocumentHandlers) {
// If currently performing a navigation action, the mouse
// coordinates will be captured by the document handler.
if ( && m_clickMaybe) {
if (m_clickMaybe) {
}, m_this.mouse());
* Handle the zoomrotate action.
* @param {object} evt The mouse event that triggered this.
this._handleZoomrotate = function (evt) {
/* Only zoom if we have once exceeded the initial zoom threshold. */
var deltaZoom = Math.log2(evt.scale);
if (!m_state.zoomrotateAllowZoom && deltaZoom &&
Math.abs(deltaZoom) >= Math.log2(1 + m_options.zoomrotateMinimumZoom)) {
if (m_options.zoomrotateMinimumZoom) {
m_state.initialZoom -= deltaZoom;
m_state.zoomrotateAllowZoom = true;
if (m_state.zoomrotateAllowZoom && deltaZoom) {
var zoom = m_state.initialZoom + deltaZoom;, m_state.origin);
/* Only rotate if we have once exceeded the initial rotation threshold. The
* first time this happens (if the threshold is greater than zero), set the
* start of rotation to the current position, so that there is no sudden
* jump. */
var deltaTheta = (evt.rotation - m_state.initialEventRotation) * Math.PI / 180;
if (!m_state.zoomrotateAllowRotation && deltaTheta &&
Math.abs(deltaTheta) >= m_options.zoomrotateMinimumRotation) {
if (m_options.zoomrotateMinimumRotation) {
m_state.initialEventRotation = evt.rotation;
deltaTheta = 0;
m_state.zoomrotateAllowRotation = true;
if (m_state.zoomrotateAllowRotation) {
var theta = m_state.initialRotation + deltaTheta;
/* Compute the delta in the range of [-PI, PI). */
deltaTheta = util.wrapAngle(theta -;
/* If we reverse direction, don't rotate until some threshold is
* exceeded. This helps prevent rotation bouncing while panning. */
if (deltaTheta && (deltaTheta * (m_state.lastRotationDelta || 0) >= 0 ||
Math.abs(deltaTheta) >= m_options.zoomrotateReverseRotation)) {, m_state.origin);
m_state.lastRotationDelta = deltaTheta;
/* Only pan if we have once exceed the initial pan threshold. */
var panOrigin =;
if (m_state.initialEventGeo) {
var offset = $node.offset();
panOrigin =;
panOrigin.x += offset.left;
panOrigin.y +=;
var x = evt.pageX, deltaX = x - panOrigin.x,
y = evt.pageY, deltaY = y - panOrigin.y,
deltaPan2 = deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY;
if (!m_state.zoomrotateAllowPan && deltaPan2 &&
deltaPan2 >= m_options.zoomrotateMinimumPan * m_options.zoomrotateMinimumPan) {
if (m_options.zoomrotateMinimumPan) {
deltaX = deltaY = 0;
m_state.initialEventGeo = m_this.mouse().geo;
} else {
m_state.initialEventGeo = m_state.origin.geo;
m_state.zoomrotateAllowPan = true;
if (m_state.zoomrotateAllowPan && (deltaX || deltaY)) {{x: deltaX, y: deltaY});
* Handle mouse move event on the document (temporary bindings).
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
* @fires geo.event.brush
* @fires geo.event.actionmove
this._handleMouseMoveDocument = function (evt) {
var dx, dy, selectionObj;
// If the map has been disconnected, we do nothing.
if (! {
if (m_paused || m_queue.kind !== 'move') {
/* Only cancel possible clicks on move if we actually moved */
if ( {
if (m_clickMaybe.x === undefined || m_clickMaybe.y === undefined) {
} else if ( === true &&
( !== m_clickMaybe.x || !== m_clickMaybe.y)) {
} else {
const dist = Math.sqrt(( - m_clickMaybe.x) ** 2 + ( - m_clickMaybe.y) ** 2);
if (dist >= {
if (m_clickMaybe) {
if (!m_state.action) {
// This shouldn't happen
console.log('WARNING: Invalid state in mapInteractor.');
// calculate the delta from the origin point to avoid
// accumulation of floating point errors
dx = - -;
dy = - -; += dx; += dy;
if (m_state.action === geo_action.pan) {{x: dx, y: dy}, undefined, 'limited');
} else if (m_state.action === geo_action.zoom) {
m_callZoom(-dy * m_options.zoomScale / 120, m_state);
} else if (m_state.action === geo_action.rotate) {
var cx, cy;
if (m_state.origin.rotation === undefined) {
cx = - / 2;
cy = - / 2;
m_state.origin.rotation = - Math.atan2(cy, cx);
cx = - / 2;
cy = - / 2; + Math.atan2(cy, cx));
} else if (m_state.action === geo_action.zoomrotate) {
} else if (m_state.actionRecord.selectionRectangle) {
// Get the bounds of the current selection
selectionObj = m_this._getSelection();, selectionObj);
}, {
state: m_this.state(), mouse: m_this.mouse(), event: evt});
// Prevent default to stop text selection in particular
* Clear the action state, but remember if we have bound document handlers.
* @private
function clearState() {
m_state = {boundDocumentHandlers: m_state.boundDocumentHandlers};
* Use interactor options to modify the mouse velocity by momentum
* or spring equations depending on the current map state.
* @private
* @param {object} v Current velocity in pixels / millisecond.
* @param {number} deltaT The time delta.
* @returns {object} New velocity.
function modifyVelocity(v, deltaT) {
deltaT = deltaT <= 0 ? 30 : deltaT;
var sf = springForce();
var speed = calcSpeed(v);
var vx = v.x / speed;
var vy = v.y / speed;
speed = speed * Math.exp(-m_options.momentum.drag * deltaT);
// |force| + |velocity| < c <- stopping condition
if (calcSpeed(sf) * deltaT + speed < m_options.momentum.minSpeed) {
return null;
if (speed > 0) {
vx = vx * speed;
vy = vy * speed;
} else {
vx = 0;
vy = 0;
return {
x: vx - sf.x * deltaT,
y: vy - sf.y * deltaT
* Get the spring force for the current map bounds.
* @private
* @returns {object} The spring force.
function springForce() {
var xplus, // force to the right
xminus, // force to the left
yplus, // force to the top
yminus; // force to the bottom
if (!m_options.spring.enabled) {
return {x: 0, y: 0};
// get screen coordinates of corners
var maxBounds =, null);
var ul ={
x: maxBounds.left,
}, null);
var lr ={
x: maxBounds.right,
y: maxBounds.bottom
}, null);
var c = m_options.spring.springConstant;
// Arg... map needs to expose the canvas size
var width =;
var height =;
xplus = c * Math.max(0, ul.x);
xminus = c * Math.max(0, width - lr.x);
yplus = c * Math.max(0, ul.y) / 2;
yminus = c * Math.max(0, height - lr.y) / 2;
return {
x: xplus - xminus,
y: yplus - yminus
* Based on the screen coordinates of a selection, zoom or unzoom and
* recenter.
* @private
* @param {string} action Either `geo_action.zoomselect` or
* `geo_action.unzoomselect`.
* @param {object} lowerLeft The x and y coordinates of the lower left corner
* of the zoom rectangle.
* @param {object} upperRight The x and y coordinates of the upper right
* corner of the zoom rectangle.
this._zoomFromSelection = function (action, lowerLeft, upperRight) {
if (action !== geo_action.zoomselect && action !== geo_action.unzoomselect) {
if (lowerLeft.x === upperRight.x || lowerLeft.y === upperRight.y) {
var zoom, center,
map =,
mapsize = map.size();
/* To arbitrarily handle rotation and projection, we center the map at the
* central coordinate of the selection and set the zoom level such that the
* four corners are just barely on the map. When unzooming (zooming out),
* we ensure that the previous view is centered in the selection but use
* the maximal size for the zoom factor. */
var scaling = {
x: Math.abs((upperRight.x - lowerLeft.x) / mapsize.width),
y: Math.abs((upperRight.y - lowerLeft.y) / mapsize.height)
if (action === geo_action.zoomselect) {
center = map.displayToGcs({
x: (lowerLeft.x + upperRight.x) / 2,
y: (lowerLeft.y + upperRight.y) / 2
}, null);
zoom = map.zoom() - Math.log2(Math.max(scaling.x, scaling.y));
} else { /* unzoom */
/* To make the existing visible map entirely within the selection
* rectangle, this would be changed to Math.min instead of Math.max of
* the scaling factors. This felt wrong, though. */
zoom = map.zoom() + Math.log2(Math.max(scaling.x, scaling.y));
/* Record the current center. Later, this is panned to the center of the
* selection rectangle. */
center =, null);
/* When discrete zoom is enable, always round down. We have to do this
* explicitly, as otherwise we may zoom too far and the selection will not
* be completely visible. */
if (map.discreteZoom()) {
zoom = Math.floor(zoom);
if (action === geo_action.zoomselect) {, null);
} else {
var newcenter = map.gcsToDisplay(center, null);
x: (lowerLeft.x + upperRight.x) / 2 - newcenter.x,
y: (lowerLeft.y + upperRight.y) / 2 - newcenter.y
* Handle event when a mouse button is unpressed on the document.
* Removes temporary bindings.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
* @fires geo.event.brushend
* @fires geo.event.actionselection
* @fires geo.event.actionup
* @fires geo.event.mouseup
* @fires
* @fires geo.event.zoomselect
* @fires geo.event.unzoomselect
this._handleMouseUpDocument = function (evt) {
var selectionObj, oldAction;
if (m_paused) {
// cancel queued interactions
m_queue = {};
// unbind temporary handlers on document
m_state.boundDocumentHandlers = false;
if (m_mouse.buttons.right) {
if (m_state.actionRecord && m_state.actionRecord.selectionRectangle) {
selectionObj = m_this._getSelection();
m_selectionLayer = null;
m_selectionQuad = null;, selectionObj);
if (m_state.actionRecord.selectionRectangle !== true) {,
m_this._zoomFromSelection(m_state.action, selectionObj.display.lowerLeft,
selectionObj.display.upperRight);, {
state: m_this.state(),
mouse: m_this.mouse(),
event: evt,
lowerLeft: selectionObj.display.lowerLeft,
upperRight: selectionObj.display.upperRight});
}, {
state: m_this.state(), mouse: m_this.mouse(), event: evt});
// reset the interactor state
oldAction = m_state.action;
// if momentum is enabled, start the action here
if (m_options.momentum.enabled &&
$.inArray(oldAction, m_options.momentum.actions) >= 0) {
var t = (new Date()).valueOf();
var dt = t - m_mouse.time + m_mouse.deltaTime;
if (t - m_mouse.time < m_options.momentum.stopTime) {
m_mouse.velocity.x *= m_mouse.deltaTime / dt;
m_mouse.velocity.y *= m_mouse.deltaTime / dt;
m_mouse.deltaTime = dt;
} else {
m_mouse.velocity.x = m_mouse.velocity.y = 0;
m_this.springBack(true, oldAction);
* Handle event when a mouse button is unpressed.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
this._handleMouseUp = function (evt) {
if (m_paused) {
if (m_clickMaybe) {
var details = m_this.mouse();
details.buttonsDown = m_clickMaybe.buttons;, details);
* Handle event when a mouse click is detected. A mouse click is a simulated
* event that occurs when the time between a mouse down and mouse up
* is less than the configured duration and (optionally) if no mousemove
* events were triggered in the interim.
* @param {jQuery.Event} evt The event that triggered this.
* @fires geo.event.mouseup
this._handleMouseClick = function (evt) {
/* Cancel a selection if it is occurring */
if (m_state.actionRecord && m_state.actionRecord.selectionRectangle) {
m_selectionLayer = null;
m_selectionQuad = null;
m_state.action = m_state.actionRecord = null;
// cancel any ongoing pan action
// unbind temporary handlers on document
m_state.boundDocumentHandlers = false;
// add information about the button state to the event information
var details = m_this.mouse();
details.buttonsDown = m_clickMaybe.buttons;
details.evt = evt;
// reset click detector variable
// fire a click event, details);
* Private wrapper around the map zoom method that is debounced to support
* discrete zoom interactions.
* @returns {function} A function to handle zooms that debounces such
* events. This function is passed the zoom level and the mouse state.
function debounced_zoom() {
var deltaZ = 0, delay = 400, origin, startZoom, targetZoom;
function accum(dz, org) {
var map =, zoom;
origin = $.extend(true, {}, org);
deltaZ += dz;
if (targetZoom === undefined) {
startZoom = targetZoom = map.zoom();
targetZoom += dz;
// Respond to debounced events when they add up to a change in the
// discrete zoom level.
if (map && Math.abs(deltaZ) >= 1 && m_options.discreteZoom &&
!m_options.zoomAnimation.enabled) {
zoom = Math.round(deltaZ + map.zoom());
// delta is what is left over from the zoom delta after the new zoom
// value
deltaZ = deltaZ + map.zoom() - zoom;
map.zoom(zoom, origin);
function apply() {
var map =, zoom;
if (map) {
if (m_options.zoomAnimation.enabled) {
zoom = targetZoom;
if (m_options.discreteZoom) {
zoom = Math.round(zoom);
if (zoom === startZoom && targetZoom !== startZoom) {
zoom = startZoom + (targetZoom > startZoom ? 1 : -1);
zoom = Math.round(map._fix_zoom(zoom) * 1e6) / 1e6;
if (zoom !== map.zoom()) {
map.transitionCancel('debounced_zoom.' + geo_action.zoom);
zoom: zoom,
zoomOrigin: origin,
duration: m_options.zoomAnimation.duration,
ease: m_options.zoomAnimation.ease,
done: function (status) {
status = status || {};
var zoomRE = new RegExp('\\.' + geo_action.zoom + '$');
if (! && (!status.cancel ||
('' + status.source).search(zoomRE) < 0)) {
targetZoom = undefined;
/* If we were animating the zoom, if the zoom is continuous, just
* stop where we are. If using discrete zoom, we need to make
* sure we end up discrete. However, we don't want to do that if
* the next action is further zooming. */
if (m_options.discreteZoom && status.cancel &&
status.transition && status.transition.end &&
('' + status.source).search(zoomRE) < 0) {
} else {
targetZoom = undefined;
} else {
zoom = deltaZ + map.zoom();
if (m_options.discreteZoom) {
// round off the zoom to an integer and throw away the rest
zoom = Math.round(zoom);
map.zoom(zoom, origin);
deltaZ = 0;
if (m_options.discreteZoom !== true && m_options.discreteZoom > 0) {
delay = m_options.discreteZoom;
if ((m_options.discreteZoom === true || m_options.discreteZoom > 0) &&
!m_options.zoomAnimation.enabled) {
return debounce(delay, false, apply, accum);
} else {
return function (dz, org) {
if (!dz && targetZoom === undefined) {
accum(dz, org);
* Attaches wrapped methods for accumulating fast mouse wheel events and
* throttling map interactions.
* @private
* @returns {function} A function that takes a jQuery.Event for mouse wheel
* actions.
* @fires geo.event.actionwheel
function throttled_wheel() {
var my_queue = {};
function accum(evt) {
var dx, dy;
if (m_paused) {
if (my_queue !== m_queue) {
my_queue = {
kind: 'wheel',
scroll: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_queue = my_queue;
// try to normalize deltas using the wheel event standard:
evt.deltaFactor = 1;
if (evt.originalEvent.deltaMode === 1) {
// DOM_DELTA_LINE -- estimate line height
evt.deltaFactor = 40;
} else if (evt.originalEvent.deltaMode === 2) {
// DOM_DELTA_PAGE -- get window height
evt.deltaFactor = $(window).height();
// prevent NaN's on legacy browsers
dx = evt.originalEvent.deltaX || 0;
dy = evt.originalEvent.deltaY || 0;
// scale according to the options
dx = dx * m_options.wheelScaleX * evt.deltaFactor / 120;
dy = dy * m_options.wheelScaleY * evt.deltaFactor / 120;
my_queue.scroll.x += dx;
my_queue.scroll.y += dy;
function wheel(evt) {
var zoomFactor, action, actionRecord;
// If the current queue doesn't match the queue passed in as an argument,
// assume it was cancelled and do nothing.
if (my_queue !== m_queue) {
// perform the map navigation event
actionRecord = actionMatch({wheel: true}, m_mouse.modifiers,
action = (actionRecord || {}).action;
if (action) {
// if we were moving because of momentum or a transition, cancel it and
// recompute where the mouse action is occurring.
var recompute ='wheel.' + action);
recompute |= m_this.cancel(geo_action.momentum, true);
if (recompute) {
m_mouse.geo =;
m_mouse.mapgcs =, null);
switch (action) {
case geo_action.pan:{
x: m_queue.scroll.x,
y: m_queue.scroll.y
}, undefined, 'limited');
case geo_action.zoom:
zoomFactor = -m_queue.scroll.y;
m_callZoom(zoomFactor, m_mouse);
case geo_action.rotate: +
m_queue.scroll.y * m_options.rotateWheelScale,
}, {
state: m_this.state(), mouse: m_this.mouse(), eventData: evt});
// reset the queue
m_queue = {};
if (m_options.throttle > 0) {
return throttle(m_options.throttle, false, wheel, accum);
} else {
return function (evt) {
* Handle mouse wheel event. (Defined inside _connectEvents).
this._handleMouseWheel = function () {};
* Start up a spring back action when the map bounds are out of range.
* Not to be user callable.
* @protected
* @param {boolean} initialVelocity Truthy if the mouse's current velocity
* should be used as the initial velocity. False to assume no initial
* velocity.
* @param {object} origAction The original action that started the spring
* back. If this was a zoom action, the spring back includes zoom;
* otherwise it only includes panning.
this.springBack = function (initialVelocity, origAction) {
if (m_state.action === geo_action.momentum) {
if (!initialVelocity) {
m_mouse.velocity = {
x: 0,
y: 0
m_state.origAction = origAction;
m_state.action = geo_action.momentum;
m_state.origin = m_this.mouse();
m_state.momentum = m_this.mouse();
m_state.start = new Date();
m_state.handler = function () {
var v, s, last, dt;
if (m_state.action !== geo_action.momentum ||
! || {
// cancel if a new action was performed
// Not sure the correct way to do this. We need the delta t for the
// next time step... Maybe use a better interpolator and the time
// parameter from requestAnimationFrame.
dt = Math.min(m_state.momentum.deltaTime, 30);
last = m_state.start.valueOf();
m_state.start = new Date();
v = modifyVelocity(m_state.momentum.velocity, m_state.start - last);
// stop panning when the speed is below the threshold
if (!v) {
s = calcSpeed(v);
if (s > m_options.momentum.maxSpeed) {
s = m_options.momentum.maxSpeed / s;
v.x = v.x * s;
v.y = v.y * s;
if (!isFinite(v.x) || !isFinite(v.y)) {
v.x = 0;
v.y = 0;
m_state.momentum.velocity.x = v.x;
m_state.momentum.velocity.y = v.y;
switch (m_state.origAction) {
case geo_action.zoom:
var dy = m_state.momentum.velocity.y * dt;
m_callZoom(-dy * m_options.zoomScale / 120, m_state);
x: m_state.momentum.velocity.x * dt,
y: m_state.momentum.velocity.y * dt
}, undefined, 'limited');
if (m_state.handler) {;
if (m_state.handler) {;
* Public method that unbinds all events.
this.destroy = function () {
if ( {
* Get current mouse information.
* @returns {object} The current mouse state.
this.mouse = function () {
return $.extend(true, {}, m_mouse);
* Get/set current keyboard information.
* @param {object} [newValue] Either a object with new options for the
* keyboard actions or `undefined` to get the current options.
* @returns {object|this} Either the current keyboard options or this
* mapInteractor class instance.
this.keyboard = function (newValue) {
if (newValue === undefined) {
return $.extend(true, {}, m_options.keyboard || {});
return m_this.options({keyboard: newValue});
* Get the current interactor state.
* @returns {geo.interactorState}
this.state = function () {
return $.extend(true, {}, m_state);
* Get or set the pause state of the interactor, which ignores all native
* mouse and keyboard events.
* @param {boolean} [value] The pause state to set or undefined to return
* the current state.
* @returns {boolean|this} The current pause state or this class instance.
this.pause = function (value) {
if (value === undefined) {
return m_paused;
m_paused = !!value;
return m_this;
* Add an action to the list of handled actions.
* @param {object} action An object defining the action. This must have
* action and input properties, and may have modifiers, name, and owner.
* Use action, name, and owner to make this entry distinct if it will need
* to be removed later.
* @param {boolean} [toEnd] The action is added at the beginning of the
* actions list unless truthy. Earlier actions prevent later actions with
* similar input and modifiers.
this.addAction = function (action, toEnd) {
if (!action || !action.action || !action.input) {
util.addAction(m_options.actions, action, toEnd);
if ( && m_options.actions.some(function (action) {
return action.input.right;
})) {
$node.on('contextmenu.geojs', function () { return false; });
* Check if an action is in the actions list. An action matches if the
* action, name, and owner match. A null or undefined value will match all
* actions. If using an action object, this is the same as passing
* (action.action,, action.owner).
* @param {object|string} action Either an action object or the name of an
* action.
* @param {string} name Optional name associated with the action.
* @param {string} owner Optional owner associated with the action.
* @returns {object|null} The first matching action or null.
this.hasAction = function (action, name, owner) {
return util.hasAction(m_options.actions, action, name, owner);
* Remove all matching actions. Actions are matched as with hasAction.
* @param {object|string} action Either an action object or the name of an
* action.
* @param {string} name Optional name associated with the action.
* @param {string} owner Optional owner associated with the action.
* @returns {number} The number of actions that were removed.
this.removeAction = function (action, name, owner) {
var removed = util.removeAction(
m_options.actions, action, name, owner);
if ( && !m_options.actions.some(function (action) {
return action.input.right;
})) {
return removed;
* Simulate a DOM mouse event on connected map. Not all options are required
* for every event type.
* @param {string} type Event type `mousemove`, `mousedown`, `mouseup`, etc.
* `keyboard` is treated separately from other types.
* @param {object} options Options for the simulated event.
* @param {boolean} [options.shift] A boolean if a `keyboard` event has the
* shift key down or explicitly up.
* @param {boolean} [options.shiftKey] Alternate name to `shift`.
* @param {boolean} [options.ctrl] A boolean if a `keyboard` event has the
* control key down or explicitly up.
* @param {boolean} [options.ctrlKey] Alternate name to `ctrl`.
* @param {boolean} [options.alt] A boolean if a `keyboard` event has the
* alt key down or explicitly up.
* @param {boolean} [options.altKey] Alternate name to `alt`.
* @param {boolean} [options.meta] A boolean if a `keyboard` event has the
* meta key down or explicitly up.
* @param {boolean} [options.metaKey] Alternate name to `meta`.
* @param {string} [options.keys] A Mousetrap-style key sequence string for
* `keyboard` events.
* @param {geo.screenPosition} [] The position of the event on
* the window. Overridden by `map`.
* @param {geo.screenPosition} [] The position of the event on the
* map in pixels relative to the map's div.
* @param {geo.screenPosition} [] The position of a touch
* event center relative to the window.
* @param {string} [options.button] One of `left`, `middle`, or `right` for
* mouse events.
* @param {string} [options.modifiers] A space-separated list of metakeys
* that are down on mouse events.
* @param {geo.screenPosition} [options.wheelDelta] The amount the wheel
* moved in both directions for wheel events. One step is often 20 units
* of movement.
* @param {number} [options.wheelMode] The wheel delta mode. See
* .
* @param {boolean} [options.touch] `truthy` if this is a touch event.
* @param {number} [options.rotation] Touch event rotation in degrees.
* @param {number} [options.scale] Touch event scale. Initial events should
* have a scale of 1; subsequent events should increase or decrease this
* to simulate spread and pinch actions.
* @param {number[]} [options.pointers] A list of pointer numbers involved in
* a touch event. Pointers are number from one up, so `[1]` is the first
* touch point, `[1, 2]` are two touch points, and `[2]` is when the first
* point was released but the second is still touching.
* @param {string} [options.pointerType] `mouse` if this is a mouse action
* rather than a touch action.
* @returns {mapInteractor}
this.simulateEvent = function (type, options) {
var evt, page, offset, which, buttons;
if (! {
return m_this;
if (type === 'keyboard' && m_keyHandler) {
/* Mousetrap passes through the keys we send, but not an event object,
* so we construct an artificial event object as the keys, and use that.
var keys = {
shiftKey: options.shift || options.shiftKey || false,
ctrlKey: options.ctrl || options.ctrlKey || false,
altKey: options.alt || options.altKey || false,
metaKey: options.meta || options.metaKey || false,
toString: function () { return options.keys; },
stopPropagation: function () {},
preventDefault: function () {},
simulated: true
m_keyHandler.trigger(keys, options.event);
page = || {};
if ( {
offset = $node.offset();
page.x = + offset.left;
page.y = +;
if (options.button === 'left') {
which = 1;
buttons = 1;
} else if (options.button === 'right') {
which = 3;
buttons = 2;
} else if (options.button === 'middle') {
which = 2;
buttons = 4;
options.modifiers = options.modifiers || [];
options.wheelDelta = options.wheelDelta || {};
evt = $.Event(
pageX: page.x,
pageY: page.y,
which: which,
buttons: buttons,
altKey: options.modifiers.indexOf('alt') >= 0,
ctrlKey: options.modifiers.indexOf('ctrl') >= 0,
metaKey: options.modifiers.indexOf('meta') >= 0,
shiftKey: options.modifiers.indexOf('shift') >= 0,
rotation: options.touch ? options.rotation || 0 : options.rotation,
scale: options.touch ? options.scale || 1 : options.scale,
pointers: options.pointers,
pointerType: options.pointerType,
originalEvent: {
deltaX: options.wheelDelta.x,
deltaY: options.wheelDelta.y,
deltaMode: options.wheelMode,
preventDefault: function () {},
stopPropagation: function () {},
stopImmediatePropagation: function () {}
if (options.touch && m_touchHandler) {
} else {
if (type.indexOf('.geojs') >= 0) {
return this;
inherit(mapInteractor, object);
module.exports = mapInteractor;