var inherit = require('./inherit');
var feature = require('./feature');
* Choropleth feature specification.
* @typedef {geo.feature.spec} geo.choroplethFeature.spec
* @extends geo.feature.spec
* @property {geo.colorObject[]} [colorRange] Color lookup table. Default is
* 9-step color table.
* @property {function} [scale] A scale converts a input domain into the
* the colorRange. Default is `d3.scaleQuantize()`.
* @property {function} [geoId] Given a geometry feature, return an identifier.
* @property {function} [scalarId] Given a scalar element, return an
* identifier.
* @property {function} [scalarValue] Given a scalar element, return a numeric
* values.
* Create a new instance of class choroplethFeature.
* @class
* @alias geo.choroplethFeature
* @param {geo.choroplethFeature.spec} arg Feature specification.
* @extends geo.feature
* @returns {geo.choroplethFeature}
var choroplethFeature = function (arg) {
'use strict';
if (!(this instanceof choroplethFeature)) {
return new choroplethFeature(arg);
arg = arg || {};, arg);
var ensureFunction = require('./util').ensureFunction;
delete arg.layer;
delete arg.renderer;
* @private
var d3 = require('./svg/svgRenderer').d3,
m_this = this,
s_init = this._init,
m_choropleth = Object.assign(
colorRange: [
{r: 0.07514311, g: 0.468049805, b: 1},
{r: 0.468487184, g: 0.588057293, b: 1},
{r: 0.656658579, g: 0.707001303, b: 1},
{r: 0.821573924, g: 0.837809045, b: 1},
{r: 0.943467973, g: 0.943498599, b: 0.943398095},
{r: 1, g: 0.788626485, b: 0.750707739},
{r: 1, g: 0.6289553, b: 0.568237474},
{r: 1, g: 0.472800903, b: 0.404551679},
{r: 0.916482116, g: 0.236630659, b: 0.209939162}
scale: d3.scaleQuantize(),
//accessor for ID on geodata feature
geoId: function (geoFeature) {
//accessor for ID on scalar element
scalarId: function (scalarElement) {
//accessor for value on scalar element
scalarValue: function (scalarElement) {
return scalarElement.value;
this.featureType = 'choropleth';
* Get/Set choropleth scalar data.
* @param {object[]} [data] An array of objects that are passed to the
* `scalarId` and `scalarValue` functions to get the associated information
* for each scalar.
* @param {function} [aggregator] The aggregator aggregates the scalar when
* there are multiple values with the same id. The default is `d3.mean`.
* @returns {object[]|this} Either the current scalar data or the feature
* instance.
this.scalar = function (data, aggregator) {
var scalarId, scalarValue;
if (data === undefined) {
return m_this.choropleth.get('scalar')() || [];
} else {
scalarId = m_this.choropleth.get('scalarId');
scalarValue = m_this.choropleth.get('scalarValue');
m_choropleth.scalar = data;
m_choropleth.scalarAggregator = aggregator || d3.mean;
// we make internal dictionary from array for faster lookup
// when matching geojson features to scalar values,
// note that we also allow for multiple scalar elements
// for the same geo feature
m_choropleth.scalar._dictionary = data
.reduce(function (accumeDictionary, scalarElement) {
var id, value;
id = scalarId(scalarElement);
value = scalarValue(scalarElement);
accumeDictionary[id] =
accumeDictionary[id] ?
accumeDictionary[id].push(value) : [value];
return accumeDictionary;
}, {});
return m_this;
* Get/Set choropleth accessor.
* @param {string|geo.choroplethFeature.spec} [arg1] If `undefined`,
* return the current choropleth specification. If a string is specified,
* either get or set the named property. If an object is given, set
* or update the specification with the specified parameters.
* @param {object} [arg2] If `arg1` is a string, set that property to `arg2`.
* If `undefined`, return the current value of the named property.
* @returns {geo.choroplethFeature.spec|object|this} The current choropleth
* specification, the value of a named property, or this object.
this.choropleth = function (arg1, arg2) {
var choropleth;
if (arg1 === undefined) {
return m_choropleth;
if (typeof arg1 === 'string' && arg2 === undefined) {
return m_choropleth[arg1];
if (arg2 === undefined) {
choropleth = Object.assign(
m_choropleth = choropleth;
} else {
m_choropleth[arg1] = arg2; //if you pass in accessor for prop
return m_this;
* A uniform getter that always returns a function even for constant
* choropleth properties. This can also return all defined properties as
* functions in a single object.
* @function choropleth_DOT_get
* @memberof geo.choroplethFeature
* @instance
* @param {string} [key] If defined, return a function for the named
* property. Otherwise, return an object with a function for all defined
* properties.
* @returns {function|object} Either a function for the named property or an
* object with functions for all defined properties.
this.choropleth.get = function (key) {
var all = {}, k;
if (key === undefined) {
for (k in m_choropleth) {
if (m_choropleth.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
all[k] = m_this.choropleth.get(k);
return all;
return ensureFunction(m_choropleth[key]);
* Add a geojson polygon feature to the current layer.
* @param {geo.geojsonFeature} feature A geojson parsed feature.
* @param {geo.geoColor} fillColor The fill color for the feature.
* @returns {geo.polygonFeature}
this._featureToPolygons = function (feature, fillColor) {
var newFeature = m_this.layer().createFeature('polygon', {});
if (feature.geometry.type === 'Polygon') {[{
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: feature.geometry.coordinates
} else if (feature.geometry.type === 'MultiPolygon') { (coordinateMap) {
return {
type: 'Polygon',
coordinates: coordinateMap
.polygon(function (d) {
return {
outer: d.coordinates[0],
inner: d.coordinates[1] // undefined but ok
.position(function (d) {
return {
x: d[0],
y: d[1]
fillColor: fillColor
return newFeature;
* Set a choropleth scale's domain and range.
* @param {function} valueAccessor A function that can be passed to
* `d3.extent`.
* @returns {this}
this._generateScale = function (valueAccessor) {
var extent = d3.extent(m_this.scalar(), valueAccessor || undefined);
return m_this;
* Generate scale for, make polygons from features.
* @returns {geo.featurePolygon[]}
this.createChoropleth = function () {
var choropleth = m_this.choropleth,
data =,
scalars = m_this.scalar(),
valueFunc = choropleth.get('scalarValue'),
getFeatureId = choropleth.get('geoId');
return (feature) {
var id = getFeatureId(feature);
var valueArray = scalars._dictionary[id];
var accumulatedScalarValue = choropleth().scalarAggregator(valueArray);
// take average of this array of values
// which allows for non-bijective correspondence
// between geo data and scalar data
var fillColor = m_this.choropleth().scale(accumulatedScalarValue);
return m_this._featureToPolygons(feature, fillColor);
* Initialize.
* @param {geo.choroplethFeature} arg
* @returns {this}
this._init = function (arg) {, arg);
if (m_choropleth) {
return m_this;
return this;
inherit(choroplethFeature, feature);
module.exports = choroplethFeature;