var inherit = require('./inherit');
var tile = require('./tile');
* @typedef {geo.tile.spec} geo.imageTile.spec
* @extends {geo.tile.spec}
* @property {object} index The global position of the tile.
* @property {number} index.x The x-coordinate (the column number).
* @property {number} index.y The y-coordinate (the row number).
* @property {number} index.level The zoom level.
* @property {object} [size] The size of each tile.
* @property {number} [size.x=256] Width in pixels.
* @property {number} [size.y=256] Height in pixels.
* @property {string} [crossDomain='anonymous'] Image CORS attribute. This is
* used for the `crossorigin` property when loading images.
* This class defines a tile that is part of a standard "image pyramid", such
* as an open street map tile set. Every tile is uniquely indexed by a row,
* column, and zoom level. The number of rows/columns at zoom level z is
* `2^z`, the number of pixels per tile is configurable.
* By default, this class assumes that images are fetched from the url, but
* subclasses may define additional rendering steps to produce the images
* before passing them off to the handlers.
* @class
* @alias geo.imageTile
* @extends geo.tile
* @param {geo.imageTile.spec} spec The tile specification.
var imageTile = function (spec) {
if (!(this instanceof imageTile)) {
return new imageTile(spec);
var $ = require('jquery');
spec.size = spec.size || {x: 256, y: 256};
this._image = null;
this._cors = (spec.crossDomain || spec.crossDomain === null) ? spec.crossDomain : 'anonymous';
// Call superclass constructor, spec);
* Read only accessor to the Image object used by the tile. Note, this
* method does not guarantee that the image data is available. Use the
* promise interface to add asynchronous handlers.
* @property {Image} image The image object used by the tile.
* @name geo.imageTile#image
Object.defineProperty(this, 'image', {
get: function () { return this._image; }
* Initiate the image request.
* @returns {this}
this.fetch = function () {
var defer;
if (!this._image) {
this._image = new Image(this.right - this.left, this.bottom -;
// Only set the crossOrigin parameter if this is going across origins.
if (this._cors && this._url.indexOf(':') >= 0 &&
this._url.indexOf('/') === this._url.indexOf(':') + 1) {
this._image.crossOrigin = this._cors;
defer = $.Deferred();
this._image.onload = defer.resolve;
this._image.onerror = defer.reject;
this._image.src = this._url;
// attach a promise interface to `this`
defer.done(function () {
this._fetched = true;
return this;
* Set the opacity of the tile to 0 and gradually fade in over the given
* number of milliseconds. This will also resolve the embedded promise
* interface.
* @param {number} duration The duration of the animation in ms.
* @returns {this}
this.fadeIn = function (duration) {
var promise = this.fetch(),
defer = $.Deferred();
$(this._image).css('display', 'none');
promise.done(function () {
$(this._image).fadeIn(duration, function () {
return defer.promise(this);
return this;
inherit(imageTile, tile);
module.exports = imageTile;