var inherit = require('./inherit');
var feature = require('./feature');
* Mesh feature specification.
* @typedef {geo.feature.spec} geo.meshFeature.spec
* @extends geo.feature.spec
* @property {object[]} [data=[]] An array of arbitrary objects used to
* construct the feature.
* @property {geo.feature.styleSpec} [style] An object that contains style
* values for the feature.
* @property {geo.meshFeature.meshSpec} [mesh] The mesh specification for the
* feature.
* A mesh formed by a set of triangular or square elements or a
* squarely-connected grid that is of rectangular extent. The grid can be
* regularly spaced or have arbitrary position coordinates for each node. All
* of these properties can be functions, which get passed `data`.
* @typedef {object} geo.meshFeature.meshSpec
* @property {number[]|Array.<number[]>} [elements] If specified, a list of
* indices into the data array that form elements. If this is an array of
* arrays, each subarray must have at least either 3 values for triangular
* elements or 4 values for square elements. If this is a single array,
* the data indices are of all elements are packed one after another and
* the `elementPacking` property is used to determine element shape. If
* this `null` or `undefined`, a rectangular grid of squares is used based
* on `gridWidth` and `gridHeight` or an implicit version of those
* parameters.
* @property {string} [elementPacking='auto'] If `elements` is provided as a
* single array, this determines the shape of the elements. It is one of
* `auto`, `triangle`, or `square`. `triangle` uses triplets of values to
* define elements. `square` uses quads of values. `auto` is identical
* to `triangle` unless `elements`'s length is a multiple of 4 and *not* a
* multiple of 3, in which case it is the same as `square`.
* @property {number} [gridWidth] The number of data columns in the grid. If
* this is not specified and `gridHeight` is given, this is the number of
* data elements divided by `gridHeight`. If neither `gridWidth` nor
* `gridHeight` are specified, the squareroot of the number of data
* elements is used. If both are specified, some data could be unused.
* Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {number} [gridHeight] The number of data rows in the grid. If
* this is not specified and `gridWidth` is given, this is the number of
* data elements divided by `gridWidth`. If neither `gridWidth` not
* `gridHeight` are specified, the squareroot of the number of data
* elements is used. If both are specified, some data could be unused.
* Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {number} [x0] The x coordinate of the 0th data point. If `null`
* or `undefined`, the coordinate is taken from the `position` style.
* Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {number} [y0] The y coordinate of the 0th data point. If `null`
* or `undefined`, the coordinate is taken from the `position` style.
* Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {number} [dx] The distance in the x direction between the 0th and
* 1st data point. This may be positive or negative. If 0, `null`, or
* `undefined`, the coordinate is taken from the `position` style.
* Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {number} [dy] The distance in the y direction between the 0th and
* `gridWidth`th data point. This may be positive or negative. If 0,
* `null`, or `undefined`, the coordinate is taken from the `position`
* style. Ignored if `elements` is used.
* @property {boolean} [wrapLongitude=true] If truthy and `position` is not
* used (`elements` is not used and `x0`, `y0`, `dx`, and `dy` are all set
* appropriately), assume the x coordinates are longitude and should be
* adjusted to be within -180 to 180. If the data spans 180 degrees, the
* points or squares that straddle the meridian will be duplicated to
* ensure that the map is covered from -180 to 180 as appropriate. Set
* this to `false` if using a non-longitude x coordinate.
* A set of elements and their associated positions for a mesh.
* @typedef {object} geo.meshFeature.meshInfo
* @property {string} shape One of `'triangle'` or `'square'`. If `square`,
* each pair of elements is one square. These elements have vertices v00,
* v01, v02, v10, v11, v12. The square is formed via v00-v01-v10-v11-v00.
* For `triangle`, each element stands alone.
* @property {number[]} elements A packed array of indices into the `pos` array
* defining the elements. Each sequential three values forms a triangle.
* @property {number[]} elementIndex An array that has one value for each
* triplet of values in the `elements` array. The value is the 0-based
* index of the element that can be used to correspond it to element-based
* parameters.
* @property {number[]} index An array that references which data index is
* associated with each vertex.
* @property {number[]} pos A packed array of coordinates in the interface gcs
* for the vertices. This is in the order x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z2, x2, ...
* @property {number} numberVertices the number of vertices in the mesh.
* @property {number} numberElementsthe number of elements (squares or
* triangles) in the mesh.
* @property {number} verticesPerElement 3 for triangles, 6 for squares.
* Create a new instance of class meshFeature. This should be the parent of a
* more usable feature class.
* @class
* @alias geo.meshFeature
* @extends geo.feature
* @param {geo.meshFeature.spec} arg
* @returns {this}
var meshFeature = function (arg) {
'use strict';
if (!(this instanceof meshFeature)) {
return new meshFeature(arg);
var util = require('./util');
arg = arg || {};, arg);
var m_this = this,
s_init = this._init,
m_mesh = {};
this.featureType = 'mesh';
* Get/Set mesh accessor.
* @param {string|geo.meshFeature.meshSpec} [specOrProperty] If `undefined`,
* return the current mesh specification. If a string is specified,
* either get or set the named mesh property. If an object is given, set
* or update the specification with the specified parameters.
* @param {object} [value] If `specOrProperty` is a string, set that property
* to `value`. If `undefined`, return the current value of the named
* property.
* @returns {geo.meshFeature.meshSpec|object|this} The current mesh
* specification, the value of a named mesh property, or this mesh object.
this.mesh = function (specOrProperty, value) {
if (specOrProperty === undefined) {
return m_mesh;
if (typeof specOrProperty === 'string' && value === undefined) {
return m_mesh[specOrProperty];
if (value === undefined) {
var mesh = Object.assign(
gridWidth: function () {
if (specOrProperty.gridHeight) {
return Math.floor( / specOrProperty.gridHeight);
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(;
gridHeight: function () {
if (specOrProperty.gridWidth) {
return Math.floor( / specOrProperty.gridWidth);
return Math.floor(Math.sqrt(;
m_mesh = mesh;
} else {
m_mesh[specOrProperty] = value;
return m_this;
* A uniform getter that always returns a function even for constant values.
* If undefined input, return all the mesh values as an object.
* @function mesh_DOT_get
* @memberof geo.meshFeature
* @instance
* @param {string|undefined} key The name of the mesh key or `undefined` to
* return an object with all keys as functions.
* @returns {object|function} A function related to the key, or an object
* with all mesh keys, each of which is a function.
this.mesh.get = function (key) {
if (key === undefined) {
var all = {}, k;
for (k in m_mesh) {
if (m_mesh.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
all[k] = m_this.mesh.get(k);
return all;
return util.ensureFunction(m_mesh[key]);
* Get/Set position accessor. This is identical to getting or setting the
* `position` style.
* @param {array|function} [val] If specified, set the position style. If
* `undefined`, return the current value.
* @returns {array|function|this} Either the position style or this.
this.position = function (val) {
if (val === undefined) {
} else {'position', val);
return m_this;
* Create a set of vertices and elements from a mesh specification.
* This currently takes a set of `vertexValueFuncs` to determine which
* vertices are used (shown) and values at those vertices. It could be
* extended with `elementValueFuncs`.
* @param {object} [vertexValueFuncs] A dictionary where the keys are the
* names of properties to include in the results and the values are
* functions that are evaluated at each vertex with the arguments
* `(data[idx], idx, position)`. If a key is named `used`, then its
* function is passed `(data[idx], idx)` and if it returns a falsy value
* for a data point, the vertex associated with that data point is removed
* from the resultant mesh.
* @param {object} [elementValueFuncs] A dictionary where the keys are the
* names of properties to include in the results and the values are
* functions that are evaluated at each element with the arguments
* `(data[idx], idx)`. If a key is named `used`, then its function is
* passed `(data[idx], idx)` and if it returns a falsy value for a data
* point, the triangle or square associated with that data point is
* removed from the resultant mesh.
* @returns {geo.meshFeature.meshInfo} An object with the mesh information.
this._createMesh = function (vertexValueFuncs, elementValueFuncs) {
vertexValueFuncs = vertexValueFuncs || {};
elementValueFuncs = elementValueFuncs || {};
var i, i3, j, k, idx, numPts, usedPts, usePos, item, key,
data =,
posFunc = m_this.position(), posVal,
elements = m_this.mesh.get('elements')(data),
elementPacking = m_this.mesh.get('elementPacking')(data),
gridW = m_this.mesh.get('gridWidth')(data),
gridH = m_this.mesh.get('gridHeight')(data),
wrapLongitude = m_this.mesh.get('wrapLongitude')(data),
x0 = m_this.mesh.get('x0')(data),
y0 = m_this.mesh.get('y0')(data),
dx = m_this.mesh.get('dx')(data),
dy = m_this.mesh.get('dy')(data),
calcX, calcCol, skipColumn, x, origI, /* used for wrapping */
gridWorig = gridW, /* can be different when wrapping */
result = {
shape: 'square',
elements: [],
elementIndex: []
/* If we are using a grid, calculate the elements and positions. */
if (!elements) {
if (Object.keys(vertexValueFuncs).length) {
if (gridW * gridH > data.length) {
gridH = Math.floor(data.length / gridW);
} else if (Object.keys(elementValueFuncs).length) {
if ((gridW - 1) * (gridH - 1) > data.length) {
gridH = Math.floor(data.length / (gridW - 1)) + 1;
/* If we are not using the position values (we are using x0, y0, dx, dy),
* and wrapLongitude is turned on, and the position spans 180 degrees,
* duplicate one or two columns of points at opposite ends of the map. */
usePos = (x0 === null || x0 === undefined || y0 === null ||
y0 === undefined || !dx || !dy);
wrapLongitude = !!(wrapLongitude === undefined || wrapLongitude);
if (!usePos && wrapLongitude && (x0 < -180 || x0 > 180 ||
x0 + dx * (gridW - 1) < -180 || x0 + dx * (gridW - 1) > 180) &&
dx > -180 && dx < 180 && dx * (gridW - 1) < 360 + 1e-4) {
calcX = [];
calcCol = [];
for (i = 0; i < gridW; i += 1) {
x = x0 + i * dx;
while (x < -180) { x += 360; }
while (x > 180) { x -= 360; }
if (i && Math.abs(x - calcX[calcX.length - 1]) > 180) {
if (x > calcX[calcX.length - 1]) {
calcX.push(x - 360);
calcX.push(calcX[calcX.length - 2] + 360);
calcCol.push(i + 1);
} else {
calcX.push(x + 360);
calcX.push(calcX[calcX.length - 2] - 360);
calcCol.push(i + 1);
skipColumn = i;
gridW += 2;
if (Math.abs(Math.abs(gridWorig * dx) - 360) < 0.01) {
gridW += 1;
x = x0 + gridWorig * dx;
while (x < -180) { x += 360; }
while (x > 180) { x -= 360; }
/* Calculate the value for point */
numPts = gridW * gridH;
if (skipColumn !== undefined) {
result.index = new Array(numPts);
for (i = 0; i < numPts; i += 1) {
j = Math.floor(i / gridW);
origI = i - j * gridW;
origI += (origI > skipColumn ? -2 : 0);
if (origI >= gridWorig) {
origI -= gridWorig;
origI += j * gridWorig;
result.index[i] = origI;
/* Create triangles */
for (j = idx = 0; j < gridH - 1; j += 1, idx += 1) {
for (i = 0; i < gridW - 1; i += 1, idx += 1) {
if (i !== skipColumn) {
result.elements.push(idx + 1);
result.elements.push(idx + gridW);
result.elements.push(idx + gridW + 1);
result.elements.push(idx + gridW);
result.elements.push(idx + 1);
result.elementIndex.push(j * (gridW - 1) + (calcCol ? calcCol[i] : i));
result.elementIndex.push(j * (gridW - 1) + (calcCol ? calcCol[i] : i));
} else {
/* use defined elements */
var hasSubArray = elements.length && Array.isArray(elements[0]);
if (elementPacking === 'square' || (elementPacking !== 'triangle' &&
((!hasSubArray && !(elements.length % 4) && (elements.length % 3)) ||
(hasSubArray && elements[0].length === 4)))) {
result.shape = 'square';
if (hasSubArray) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
} else {
for (i = j = 0; i < elements.length - 3; i += 4, j += 1) {
result.elements.push(elements[i + 1]);
result.elements.push(elements[i + 3]);
result.elements.push(elements[i + 2]);
result.elements.push(elements[i + 3]);
result.elements.push(elements[i + 1]);
} else {
result.shape = 'triangle';
if (hasSubArray) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
} else {
result.elements = elements.slice(0, elements.length - (elements.length % 3));
for (i = j = 0; i < elements.length - 2; i += 3, j += 1) {
numPts = data.length;
usePos = true;
/* If we have an `elementValueFuncs.used` function, remove any unused
* elements. Unused vertices are removed later. */
result.verticesPerElement = result.shape === 'triangle' ? 3 : 6;
var vpe = result.verticesPerElement;
if (elementValueFuncs.used) {
var used = new Array(result.elementIndex[result.elementIndex.length - 1] + 1);
for (i = 0; i < used.length; i += 1) {
used[i] = elementValueFuncs.used(data[i], i);
for (i = 0; i < result.elementIndex.length; i += 1) {
if (!used[result.elementIndex[i]]) {
if (i < result.elementIndex.length) {
for (j = i; i < result.elementIndex.length; i += 1) {
if (used[result.elementIndex[i]]) {
result.elementIndex[j] = result.elementIndex[i];
for (k = 0; k < 3; k += 1) {
result.elements[j * 3 + k] = result.elements[i * 3 + k];
j += 1;
result.elements.splice(j * 3);
/* If we have a `vertexValueFuncs.used` function, remove any unused
* vertices. Then, remove any elements that have a vertex that can't be
* used. This could leave vertices that are unused by any element, but
* they are removed later. */
if (vertexValueFuncs.used) {
for (i = 0; i < numPts; i += 1) {
idx = result.index ? result.index[i] : i;
if (!vertexValueFuncs.used(data[idx], idx)) {
if (i !== numPts) {
usedPts = i;
var remap = new Array(numPts);
for (j = 0; j < usedPts; j += 1) {
remap[j] = j;
remap[usedPts] = -1;
if (!result.index) {
result.index = new Array(data.length);
for (j = 0; j < data.length; j += 1) {
result.index[j] = j;
for (i = usedPts + 1; i < numPts; i += 1) {
idx = result.index[i];
if (vertexValueFuncs.used(data[idx], idx)) {
remap[i] = usedPts;
result.index[usedPts] = result.index[i];
usedPts += 1;
} else {
remap[i] = -1;
for (i = k = 0; i < result.elements.length; i += vpe) {
for (j = 0; j < vpe; j += 1) {
if (remap[result.elements[i + j]] < 0) {
result.elements[k + j] = remap[result.elements[i + j]];
if (j === vpe) {
result.elementIndex[Math.floor(k / 3)] = result.elementIndex[Math.floor(i / 3)];
if (vpe === 6) {
result.elementIndex[Math.floor(k / 3) + 1] = result.elementIndex[Math.floor(i / 3) + 1];
k += vpe;
result.elementIndex.splice(Math.floor(k / 3));
numPts = usedPts;
/* Remove unused vertices -- this could be disabled to save time. It
* cannot be applied if skipColumn is defined, as in that case some
* vertices are used multiple times but with different coordinates. We
* could also do this when vertexValueFuncs.used is used, but that usually
* has a much smaller reduction in values and isn't worth the time. */
if (elementValueFuncs.used && skipColumn === undefined) {
var vertexMap = new Array(numPts);
var oldindex = result.index;
result.index = [];
for (i = 0; i < result.elements.length; i += 1) {
k = result.elements[i];
if (vertexMap[k] === undefined) {
vertexMap[k] = result.index.length;
result.index.push(oldindex ? oldindex[k] : k);
result.elements[i] = vertexMap[k];
numPts = result.index.length;
/* Get point locations and store them in a packed array */
result.pos = new Array(numPts * 3);
for (key in vertexValueFuncs) {
if (key !== 'used' && vertexValueFuncs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key] = new Array(numPts);
for (i = i3 = 0; i < numPts; i += 1, i3 += 3) {
idx = result.index ? result.index[i] : i;
item = data[idx];
if (usePos) {
posVal = posFunc(item, idx);
result.pos[i3] = posVal.x;
result.pos[i3 + 1] = posVal.y;
result.pos[i3 + 2] = posVal.z || 0;
} else {
if (skipColumn === undefined) {
result.pos[i3] = x0 + dx * (idx % gridW);
} else {
result.pos[i3] = calcX[i % gridW];
result.pos[i3 + 1] = y0 + dy * Math.floor(idx / gridW);
result.pos[i3 + 2] = 0;
posVal = {x: result.pos[i3], y: result.pos[i3 + 1], z: result.pos[i3 + 2]};
for (key in vertexValueFuncs) {
if (key !== 'used' && vertexValueFuncs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
result[key][i] = vertexValueFuncs[key](item, idx, posVal);
for (key in elementValueFuncs) {
if (key !== 'used' && elementValueFuncs.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var func = elementValueFuncs[key];
result[key] = new Array(result.elementIndex.length);
for (i = 0; i < result.elementIndex.length; i += 1) {
idx = result.elementIndex[i];
item = data[idx];
result[key][i] = func(item, idx);
result.numVertices = numPts;
result.numElements = result.elements.length / result.verticesPerElement;
return result;
* Initialize.
* @param {geo.meshFeature.spec} arg The mesh feature specification.
this._init = function (arg) {, arg);
/* Initialize from arguments */
arg = arg || {};
var style = Object.assign({}, {
position: (d) => Array.isArray(d) ? {x: d[0], y: d[1], z: d[2] || 0} : d
}, || {});
m_this.mesh(arg.mesh || {});;
return this;
inherit(meshFeature, feature);
module.exports = meshFeature;