
var $ = require('jquery');
var geo_action = require('./action');

var widgets = {
  dom: {}
var layers = {};
var layerDefaultFeatures = {};
var renderers = {};
var features = {};
var featureCapabilities = {};
var fileReaders = {};
var rendererLayerAdjustments = {};
var annotations = {};
var util = {};

 * Register a new file reader type.
 * @alias geo.registerFileReader
 * @param {string} name Name of the reader to register.  If the name already
 *      exists, the class creation function is replaced.
 * @param {function} func Class creation function.
util.registerFileReader = function (name, func) {
  fileReaders[name] = func;

 * Create a new file reader.
 * @alias geo.createFileReader
 * @param {string} name Name of the reader to create.
 * @param {object} opts Options for the new reader.
 * @returns {geo.fileReader|null} The new reader or null if no such name is
 *      registered.
util.createFileReader = function (name, opts) {
  if (fileReaders.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    return fileReaders[name](opts);
  return null;

 * Register a new renderer type.
 * @alias geo.registerRenderer
 * @param {string} name Name of the renderer to register.  If the name already
 *      exists, the class creation function is replaced.
 * @param {function} func Class creation function.
util.registerRenderer = function (name, func) {
  renderers[name] = func;

 * Create new instance of the renderer.
 * @alias geo.createRenderer
 * @param {string} name Name of the renderer to create.
 * @param {geo.layer} layer The layer associated with the renderer.
 * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} [canvas] A canvas object to share between
 *      renderers.
 * @param {object} [options] Options for the new renderer.
 * @returns {geo.renderer|null} The new renderer or null if no such name is
 *      registered.
util.createRenderer = function (name, layer, canvas, options) {
  if (renderers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    var ren = renderers[name](
      {layer: layer, canvas: canvas, options: options}
    return ren;
  return null;

 * Check if the named renderer is supported.  If not, display a warning and get
 * the name of a fallback renderer.  Ideally, we would pass a list of desired
 * features, and, if the renderer is unavailable, this would choose a fallback
 * that would support those features.
 * @alias geo.checkRenderer
 * @param {string|null} name Name of the desired renderer.
 * @param {boolean} [noFallback] If truthy, don't recommend a fallback.
 * @returns {string|null|false} The name of the renderer that should be used
 *      or false if no valid renderer can be determined.
util.checkRenderer = function (name, noFallback) {
  if (name === null) {
    return name;
  if (renderers.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
    var ren = renderers[name];
    if (!ren.supported || ren.supported()) {
      return ren.apiname || name;
    if (!ren.fallback || noFallback) {
      return false;
    var fallback = util.checkRenderer(ren.fallback(), true);
    if (fallback !== false) {
      console.warn(name + ' renderer is unavailable, using ' + fallback +
                   ' renderer instead');
    return fallback;
  return false;

 * Check if there is a renderer that is supported and supports a list of
 * features.  If not, display a warning.  This picks the first renderer that
 * supports all of the listed features.
 * @alias geo.rendererForFeatures
 * @param {string[]|undefined} featureList A list of features that will be used
 *      with this renderer.  Features are the basic feature names (e.g.,
 *      `'quad'`), or the feature name followed by a required capability (e.g.,
 *      `'quad.image'`).  If more than one feature or more than one capability
 *      of a feature is required, include each feature and capability
 *      combination in the list (e.g., `['quad.image', 'plane']`).  If no
 *      capability is specified for a feature (or that feature was registered
 *      without a capability object), then the feature will match regardless of
 *      capabilities.
 * @returns {string|null|false} The name of the renderer that should be used
 *      or false if no valid renderer can be determined.
util.rendererForFeatures = function (featureList) {
  var preferredRenderers = ['webgl', 'canvas', 'svg', 'vtkjs', null];

  var renderer, ridx, feature, fidx, capability, available;
  for (ridx = 0; ridx < preferredRenderers.length; ridx += 1) {
    renderer = preferredRenderers[ridx];
    if (util.checkRenderer(renderer, true) === false) {
    if (!featureList) {
      return renderer;
    if (!features[renderer]) {
    available = true;
    for (fidx = 0; fidx < featureList.length; fidx += 1) {
      feature = featureList[fidx];
      capability = null;
      if (feature.indexOf('.') >= 0) {
        capability = feature;
        feature = feature.substr(0, feature.indexOf('.'));
      if (features[renderer][feature] === undefined) {
        available = false;
      if (capability && featureCapabilities[renderer][feature] &&
          !featureCapabilities[renderer][feature][capability]) {
        available = false;
    if (available) {
      return renderer;
  console.warn('There is no renderer available for the feature list "' +
               (featureList || []).join(', ') + '".');
  return false;

 * Register a new feature type.
 * @alias geo.registerFeature
 * @param {string} category The feature category -- this is the renderer name.
 * @param {string} name The feature name.
 * @param {function} func A function to call to create the feature.
 * @param {object|undefined} capabilities A map of capabilities that this
 *      feature supports.  If the feature is implemented with different
 *      capabilities in multiple categories (renderers), then the feature
 *      should expose a simple dictionary of supported and unsupported
 *      features.  For instance, the quad feature has color quads, image quads,
 *      and image quads that support full transformations.  The capabilities
 *      should be defined in the base feature in a capabilities object so that
 *      they can be referenced by that rather than an explicit string.
 * @returns {object} if this feature replaces an existing one, this was the
 *      feature that was replaced.  In this case, a warning is issued.
util.registerFeature = function (category, name, func, capabilities) {
  if (!(category in features)) {
    features[category] = {};
    featureCapabilities[category] = {};

  var old = features[category][name];
  if (old) {
    console.warn('The ' + category + '.' + name + ' feature is already registered');
  features[category][name] = func;
  featureCapabilities[category][name] = capabilities;
  return old;

 * Create new instance of a feature.
 * @alias geo.createFeature
 * @param {string} name Name of the feature to create.
 * @param {geo.layer} layer The layer associated with the feature.
 * @param {geo.renderer} renderer The renderer associated with the feature.
 *      This is usually `layer.renderer()`.
 * @param {object} arg Options for the new feature.
 * @returns {geo.feature|null} The new feature or null if no such name is
 *      registered.
util.createFeature = function (name, layer, renderer, arg) {
  var category = renderer.api(),
      options = {layer: layer, renderer: renderer};
  if (category in features && name in features[category]) {
    if (arg !== undefined) {
      $.extend(true, options, arg);
    var feature = features[category][name](options);
    if (layer.gcs === undefined) {
      layer.gcs = function () {
    return feature;
  return null;

 * Register a layer adjustment.  Layer adjustments are appiled to specified
 * layers when they are created as a method to mixin specific changes,
 * usually based on the renderer used for that layer.
 * @alias geo.registerLayerAdjustment
 * @param {string} category The category for the adjustment; this is commonly
 *      the renderer name.
 * @param {string} name The name of the adjustment; this is commonly the layer
 *      type, or `'all'` for the base layer class.
 * @param {function} func The function to call when the adjustment is used.
 * @returns {object} if this layer adjustment replaces an existing one, this
 *      was the value that was replaced.  In this case, a warning is issued.
util.registerLayerAdjustment = function (category, name, func) {
  if (!(category in rendererLayerAdjustments)) {
    rendererLayerAdjustments[category] = {};

  var old = rendererLayerAdjustments[category][name];
  if (old) {
    console.warn('The ' + category + '.' + name + ' layer adjustment is already registered');
  rendererLayerAdjustments[category][name] = func;
  return old;

 * If a layer needs to be adjusted based on the renderer, call the function
 * that adjusts it.
 * @alias geo.adjustLayerForRenderer
 * @param {string} name Name of the layer or adjustment.
 * @param {object} layer Instantiated layer object.
util.adjustLayerForRenderer = function (name, layer) {
  var rendererName = layer.rendererName();
  if (rendererName) {
    if (rendererLayerAdjustments &&
        rendererLayerAdjustments[rendererName] &&
        rendererLayerAdjustments[rendererName][name]) {

 * Register a new layer type.
 * @alias geo.registerLayer
 * @param {string} name Name of the layer to register.  If the name already
 *      exists, the class creation function is replaced.
 * @param {function} func Class creation function.
 * @param {string[]} [defaultFeatures] An optional list of feature capabilities
 *      that are required to use this layer.
util.registerLayer = function (name, func, defaultFeatures) {
  layers[name] = func;
  layerDefaultFeatures[name] = defaultFeatures;

 * Create new instance of the layer.
 * @alias geo.createLayer
 * @param {string} name Name of the layer to create.
 * @param {} map The map class instance that owns the layer.
 * @param {object} arg Options for the new layer.
 * @returns {geo.layer|null} The new layer or null if no such name is
 *      registered.
util.createLayer = function (name, map, arg) {
  // Default renderer is webgl
  var options = {map: map},
      layer = null;

  if (name in layers) {
    if (!arg.renderer && !arg.features && layerDefaultFeatures) {
      options.features = layerDefaultFeatures[name];
    if (arg !== undefined) {
      const argdata =;
      $.extend(true, options, arg);
      if (argdata) { = argdata;
    layer = layers[name](options);
    layer.layerName = name;
    return layer;
  } else {
    return null;

 * Register a new widget type.
 * @alias geo.registerWidget
 * @param {string} category A category for this widget.  This is usually
 *      `'dom'`.
 * @param {string} name The name of the widget to register.
 * @param {function} func Class creation function.
 * @returns {object} If this widget replaces an existing one, this was the
 *      value that was replaced.  In this case, a warning is issued.
util.registerWidget = function (category, name, func) {
  if (!(category in widgets)) {
    widgets[category] = {};

  var old = widgets[category][name];
  if (old) {
    console.warn('The ' + category + '.' + name + ' widget is already registered');
  widgets[category][name] = func;
  return old;

 * Create new instance of a dom widget.
 * @alias geo.createWidget
 * @param {string} name Name of the widget to create.
 * @param {geo.layer} layer The layer associated with the widget.
 * @param {object} arg Options for the new widget.
 * @returns {geo.widget} The new widget.
util.createWidget = function (name, layer, arg) {
  var options = {
    layer: layer

  if (name in widgets.dom) {
    if (arg !== undefined) {
      $.extend(true, options, arg);

    return widgets.dom[name](options);

  throw new Error('Cannot create unknown widget ' + name);

 * Register a new annotation type.
 * @alias geo.registerAnnotation
 * @param {string} name The annotation name.
 * @param {function} func A function to call to create the annotation.
 * @param {object|undefined} features A map of features that are used by this
 *      annotation.  Each key is a feature that is used.  If the value is true,
 *      the that feature is always needed.  If a list, then it is the set of
 *      annotation states for which that feature is required.  These can be
 *      used to pick an appropriate renderer when creating an annotation layer.
 * @returns {object} if this annotation replaces an existing one, this was the
 *      value that was replaced.  In this case, a warning is issued.
util.registerAnnotation = function (name, func, features) {
  var old = annotations[name];
  if (old) {
    console.warn('The ' + name + ' annotation is already registered');
  annotations[name] = {func: func, features: features || {}};
  geo_action['annotation_' + name] = 'geo_annotation_' + name;
  return old;

 * Create an annotation based on a registered type.
 * @alias geo.createAnnotation
 * @param {string} name The annotation name
 * @param {object} options The options for the annotation.
 * @returns {object} the new annotation.
util.createAnnotation = function (name, options) {
  if (!annotations[name]) {
    console.warn('The ' + name + ' annotation is not registered');
  var annotation = annotations[name].func(options);
  return annotation;

 * Get a list of registered annotation types.
 * @alias geo.listAnnotations
 * @returns {string[]} A list of registered annotations.
util.listAnnotations = function () {
  return Object.keys(annotations);

 * Get a list of required features for a set of annotations.
 * @alias geo.featuresForAnnotations
 * @param {string[]|object|undefined} annotationList A list of annotations that
 *   will be used.  Instead of a list, if this is an object, the keys are the
 *   annotation names, and the values are each a list of modes that will be
 *   used with that annotation.  For example, ['polygon', 'rectangle'] lists
 *   features required to show those annotations in any mode,  whereas
 *   {polygon: [annotationState.done], rectangle: [annotationState.done]} only
 *   lists features that are needed to show the completed annotations.
 * @returns {string[]} a list of features needed for the specified annotations.
 *   There may be duplicates in the list.
util.featuresForAnnotations = function (annotationList) {
  var features = [];

  var annList = Array.isArray(annotationList) ? annotationList : Object.keys(annotationList);
  annList.forEach(function (ann) {
    if (!annotations[ann]) {
    Object.keys(annotations[ann].features).forEach(function (feature) {
      if (Array.isArray(annotationList) || annotationList[ann] === true ||
          !Array.isArray(annotations[ann].features[feature])) {
      } else {
        annotationList[ann].forEach(function (state) {
          if ($.inArray(state, annotations[ann].features[feature]) >= 0) {
  return features;

 * Check if there is a renderer that is supported and supports a list of
 * annotations.  If not, display a warning.  This generates a list of required
 * features, then picks the first renderer that supports all of these features.
 * @alias geo.rendererForAnnotations
 * @param {string[]|object|undefined} annotationList A list of annotations that
 *   will be used with this renderer.  Instead of a list, if this is an object,
 *   the keys are the annotation names, and the values are each a list of modes
 *   that will be used with that annotation.  See featuresForAnnotations for
 *   more details.
 * @returns {string|null|false} the name of the renderer that should be used or
 *   false if no valid renderer can be determined.
util.rendererForAnnotations = function (annotationList) {
  return util.rendererForFeatures(util.featuresForAnnotations(annotationList));

 * Expose the various registries so that the can be examined to see what
 * things are registered.
 * @namespace geo.registries
util.registries = {
  annotations: annotations,
  features: features,
  featureCapabilities: featureCapabilities,
  fileReaders: fileReaders,
  layers: layers,
  renderers: renderers,
  widgets: widgets

module.exports = util;