GeoJS is a javascript library for visualizing geospatial data in a browser. Its flexible API provides users with the ability to combine multiple visualizations drawn in WebGL, canvas, and SVG into a single dynamic map.
GeoJS can combine multiple layers of different data types: map tiles, choropleth polygons, vector layers, and more.
GeoJS can handle interactions with large quantities of data, whether it is a million line segments or a grid of scalar values. The visualization is interactive, and can be animated, too.
There are built-in features for many common information visualization methods: heatmaps, pixelmaps, vectors, text labels, contour plots, graphs, plus the usual points, lines, and polygons.
How-to lessons ranging from simple to complex.
Examples, some with real-world data and some just to show off features.
Guides for users and developers, plus how to build and contribute to GeoJS.
Full documentation of the GeoJS API
GeoJS is open source. Contributions and requests are welcome.
Primarily developed by Kitware and Epidemico. GeoJS is developed under Apache License 2.0.
GeoJS is developed to meet needs of developers and domain-specific researchers, and we are always open for collaboration.
We would love to get your feedback and bug reports. Please send us an email at geojs-developers for questions related to feature requests, roadmap or in-depth technical discussions. Use geojs-users if you have general questions or bug reports on GeoJS.